I am currently working with an inventory Excel spreadsheet. There are two
worksheets: "Manage" and "On Order Parts".

Whenever I input an order into "On Order Parts" with order due date and
quantity information. The "Manage" worksheet updates the parts balance with
the on-order-quantity and does not consider the due date (it adds the
on-order-quantity regardless of the order due date). I've isolated the
problem to the segment of the macro that would need to be modified in order
to consider the due date:


'Updates Qty on order to Balance
For t = 1 To newlist Step 1

Cells(5 + t, 4) = Cells(5 + t, 2) - Cells(5 + t, 3) + Cells(5 + t, 6)
If Cells(5 + t, 4) <= 20 Then
Cells(5 + t, 5) = "Order Parts!"
Range(Cells(5 + t, 1), Cells(5 + t, 7)).Select
Selection.Font.Bold = True
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 3
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End If
If Cells(5 + t, 4) > 20 And Cells(5 + t, 4) <= 50 Then
Cells(5 + t, 5) = "Balance Low"
Range(Cells(5 + t, 1), Cells(5 + t, 7)).Select
Selection.Font.Bold = True
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 36
.Pattern = xlSolid
.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End If
Next t
Cells(6, 1).Select


I think it should have an IF statement before the line:

Cells(5 + t, 4) = Cells(5 + t, 2) - Cells(5 + t, 3) + Cells(5 + t, 6)

But I don't know how to reference cells from another worksheet in VBA and
compare it to the current date. Maybe something like this (with the correct
syntax, of course):

If **Due Date** - **Today's Date** >= 0 Then

I know it just needs this one line! Can anyone help me out? Thanks!