
First off, I'm using a macro similar to the one posted by Andy Wiggins

The part I need help with is this:

''Establish Connection to Mail File

Set objNotesMailFile = objNotesSession.GETDATABASE("", "")

'Open Mail


I can get this code to work fine if I input my individual details in
the "SERVER, FILE" section, but what I really what to be able to do is
to get the macro to read the relevant information from Lotus Notes
(which will already be open) and use this for the server and file
information. i.e. The currently open mail server is the one used in the

The purpose of this is so that other people in my work can use the
macro on on their own machine without having to type in their own
details (many of them wouldn't know how!). I know that everyone has
Lotus Notes open all the time, so was hoping that I could use this fact
to find a solution!
