First, please pardon my absolute inability to properly explain what I am
about to ask. I know next to nothing (or less) about programming.

I am trying to find out if I can make one cell do conditional formatting,
based on five different sets of criteria. Currently, it is set at the
following (please forgive "layman's terms"):

If F21 is between IU26 and IV26, then change cell and font to green.

This works fine.

What I need it to be able to do is perform the conditional formatting based
on one of the following five sets of criteria:

If F19 is between J29 and K29 and if F21 > K31...
If F19 is between K29 and L29 and if F21 > L31…
If F19 is between L29 and M29 and if F21 > N31…
If F19 is between M29 and N29 and if F21 > O31…
If F19>N29 and if F21 > P31…

… then change cell and font to green.

Is this even possible?? And if so, how do I go about making it so?
