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Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose() really isn't working

  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose() really isn't working

    You can't call this function as a procedure because it comes back with 'argument not optional'.

    I've managed to place it in module1, I'm deleting the code above it using:

    Sub DeleteMostCode()
    Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
    Dim StartLine As Long
    Dim HowManyLines As Long

    Set VBCodeMod = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Module1").CodeModule
    With VBCodeMod
    StartLine = 1
    HowManyLines = .CountOfLines - 61
    .DeleteLines StartLine, HowManyLines
    End With

    End Sub

    And I've got the procedure positioned at the bottom of the code and is as follows:

    Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    Call CopyData1
    MsgBox "Data copied, now click OK to save and close"
    Application.EnableEvents = False
    Cancel = True
    End Sub

    It doesn't want to execute, otherwise I would see the MsgBox. When I click the close button on the workbook that SHOULD tell the procedure to run but it just shows the alert: "Do you want to save?"

    After I get this sorted out, the forms pretty much finished. I would appreciate any help I can get.


  2. #2

    Re: Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose() really isn't working

    Code such as
    Private Sub Workbook_{All Events}
    Needs to be on ThisWorkbook not a module.

    Same as
    Private Sub Worksheet_{All Events}
    Needs to be on the WS that it referes to.


    "kartune85" <kartune85.2a1dmn_1151370605.9541@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote
    in message news:kartune85.2a1dmn_1151370605.9541@excelforum-nospam.com...
    > You can't call this function as a procedure because it comes back with
    > 'argument not optional'.
    > I've managed to place it in module1, I'm deleting the code above it
    > using:
    > Sub DeleteMostCode()
    > Dim VBCodeMod As CodeModule
    > Dim StartLine As Long
    > Dim HowManyLines As Long
    > Set VBCodeMod =
    > ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Module1").CodeModule
    > With VBCodeMod
    > StartLine = 1
    > HowManyLines = .CountOfLines - 61
    > DeleteLines StartLine, HowManyLines
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > And I've got the procedure positioned at the bottom of the code and is
    > as follows:
    > Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
    > Application.DisplayAlerts = False
    > Call CopyData1
    > MsgBox "Data copied, now click OK to save and close"
    > Application.EnableEvents = False
    > ThisWorkbook.Save
    > Cancel = True
    > End Sub
    > It doesn't want to execute, otherwise I would see the MsgBox. When I
    > click the close button on the workbook that SHOULD tell the procedure
    > to run but it just shows the alert: "Do you want to save?"
    > After I get this sorted out, the forms pretty much finished. I would
    > appreciate any help I can get.
    > Kartune85
    > --
    > kartune85
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > kartune85's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=555823

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    You're a champ Nick. I didn't realise that the code had to be in 'ThisWorkbook' (I didn't know code even went in there).

    The procedure actually works now, I just have to tweak the code inside it and it'll be sweet.

    Thanks for all your help.


  4. #4
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    It worked the first time

    I'm troubleshooting it now but it did it the first time I tried it but now it doesn't want to execute it, even tho the code is sitting inside 'ThisWorkbook'. It's only slightly frustrating.

  5. #5
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    Troubleshooting Success

    I finally figured out that I had 'Application.EnableEvents' set to 'False' so once it ran the procedure, it disabled all the events, including Workbook_BeforeClose. Even when I reopened it, it wouldn't run.

    I set 'Application.EnableEvents = True' in 'Sub Auto_Open()' and so far it's working everytime.

  6. #6
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    Re: Troubleshooting Success

    Hello, I am Boubacar, I live and work in Colorado, US. I love Excel Forum and it helps me a lot with my programmation. So great and rewarding to be a member of the excelforum community.

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