I'm new at using VBA and I'm trying to enhance the input of an excell
sheet on an automated basis, but I run into some following problem.
Checking the input and should be triggert after the user does
datainput, and this on an automated basis. So I was using a
Worksheet_Change event. But since the Checking procedure might
overwrite (certain cells of my input) I get into a loop, cause of a new
Cell Change event.
I Tried to solve this by using a boolean that is true when checking and
after check is set on No again, but it doesn't seem to work. (By
following this boolean I have seen that the program kind of looses the
value when the Worksheet_Change event is (re)started.
My Code looks like this :
Dim Processing As Boolean
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Processing = False
End Sub
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Processing = False Then
Processing = True
'Sub that might or might not change the content of any cell on
this sheet
Processing = False
End If
End Sub
For simple data entry, the extra loop isn't a problem, but once if the
user starts copying larger cell ranges into the sheet I have a problem.
Is it possible to keep this value of my boolean? Or to ommit changes
that are made by the
procedure I run? Or there an event that is by actions of the user
interface (but after data entry)
Thanks for your input,