I have the following formula, which calls a function in order to get the windows user name, and then offers them a greeting. What I'm trying to do is take the user name and turn it into thier real name. I only have about 5 people that use this workbook. So I'd like jdoe1 to be John Doe 1, and jdoe2 to be John Doe 2, etc. I can't seem to get it to work for multiple persons.
=IF(NOW()-INT(NOW())<0.5,"Good Morning"&" "&GetName(2)&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy"),IF(NOW()-INT(NOW())<0.75,"Good Afternoon"&" "&GetName(2)&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy"),"Good Evening"&" "&GetName(2)&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy")))
Thanks in advance.