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User name and greeting

  1. #1
    Forum Contributor
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    User name and greeting

    I have the following formula, which calls a function in order to get the windows user name, and then offers them a greeting. What I'm trying to do is take the user name and turn it into thier real name. I only have about 5 people that use this workbook. So I'd like jdoe1 to be John Doe 1, and jdoe2 to be John Doe 2, etc. I can't seem to get it to work for multiple persons.

    =IF(NOW()-INT(NOW())<0.5,"Good Morning"&" "&GetName(2)&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy"),IF(NOW()-INT(NOW())<0.75,"Good Afternoon"&" "&GetName(2)&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy"),"Good Evening"&" "&GetName(2)&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy")))

    Thanks in advance.


  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: User name and greeting

    You don't show GetName, but I assume it is a simple function to return the
    user name, and with such a function it worked fine for me.

    I simplified it though like so

    me(2)&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy")

    The other thing to note is that it will not update as the time changes,
    unless some othe calc happens.


    Bob Phillips

    (replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

    "edwardpestian" <edwardpestian.29wgbb_1151140802.4986@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > I have the following formula, which calls a function in order to get the
    > windows user name, and then offers them a greeting. What I'm trying to
    > do is take the user name and turn it into thier real name. I only have
    > about 5 people that use this workbook. So I'd like jdoe1 to be John Doe
    > 1, and jdoe2 to be John Doe 2, etc. I can't seem to get it to work for
    > multiple persons.
    > =IF(NOW()-INT(NOW())<0.5,"Good Morning"&" "&GetName(2)&"Today is"&"
    > "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy"),IF(NOW()-INT(NOW())<0.75,"Good
    > Afternoon"&" "&GetName(2)&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd,
    > yyyy"),"Good Evening"&" "&GetName(2)&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm
    > dd, yyyy")))
    > Thanks in advance.
    > ep
    > --
    > edwardpestian
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > edwardpestian's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=555196

  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date

    Much better formula but...

    How do I convert their username to their real name. Let's say that I put each user's real name in a cell range: A1:A3. If the username is jdoe1 then return A1, if the username is jdoe2, then return A2, etc.

    A1 = John Doe 1
    A2 = John Doe 2
    A3 = John Doe 3



  4. #4
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date

    Got it!

    ="Good"&" "&LOOKUP(MOD(NOW(),1),{0,0.5,0.75},{"Morning","Afternoon","Evening"})&" "&IF(GetName(2)="jdoe1","John Doe 1"&" "&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy"),IF(GetName(2)="jdoe2","John Doe 2"&" "&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy"),IF(GetName(2)="jdoe3","John Doe 3"&" "&"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy"),"Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy"))))

    Is there a better way so that I could add more that 7 users and not be limited to 7 nested IF statements.



  5. #5
    Bob Phillips

    Re: User name and greeting

    Create a lookup table like so

    A1 = jdoe1 B1 = John Doe 1
    etc., and then use

    "Today is"&" "&TEXT(TODAY(),"mmmm dd, yyyy")



    Bob Phillips

    (replace xxxx in the email address with gmail if mailing direct)

    "edwardpestian" <edwardpestian.29wnhn_1151150102.687@excelforum-nospam.com>
    wrote in message
    > How do I convert their username to their real name. Let's say that I
    > put each user's real name in a cell range: A1:A3. If the username is
    > jdoe1 then return A1, if the username is jdoe2, then return A2, etc.
    > A1 = John Doe 1
    > A2 = John Doe 2
    > A3 = John Doe 3
    > Thanks.
    > ep
    > --
    > edwardpestian
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > edwardpestian's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=555196

  6. #6
    Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Worked Great. Thanks Bob!

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