I'm having 4 sheets in a XLS named sheet1,2,3 and total.
I have 3 emploies and each one will complete an individual sheet, for example emploie john will make a list with all of his clients in sheet1, mark in sheet2,by columns etc.
I've built a macro that takes the informations from the first 3 sheets and centralize it in the "total" sheet.
However, the number of clients that each individual emploie has isn`t the same each month. So i want my program to take info from sheet1, put it nicely in total, then automaticaly detect the empty row and take the info from sheet2 and put it right from there, and so on for sheet3.
If anyone could help me i would be grateful, please note that my experience with VBA is limited and i could use some explicit hints.
Thanks and sorry for my bad english.