Using Excel 2003, I have two columns;
Column "A" contains various user-entered text values, dates, or
numbers. The cells in Column "B" are used to display the date onwhich
the corresponding cell in Column "A" was last modified. This is
automatically updated with today's date every time the value of the
corresponding cell in Column "A" is updated.
For example supposing I changed the value of a cell in Column "A", from
"Delivery expected OK" to "Delivery expected Late", the current date
would be entered into the corresponding day in Column "B".
My first problem is highlighting the fact that changes to the data have
been made, as the spreadsheet will likely grow in size over time.
Therefore, I am trying to implement VBA to highlight the cells in both
"A1" and "B1" based upon the value of the date in cell "B";
If the "Date Modified" (Cell B1) is within 2-days of the current date,
it is to be formatted as Red&Bold, otherwise, standard black
formatting. This will show all the recently modified date values in
red, and thus, after the cell has been unchanged for 2 days, it will
resort back to standard formatting.
I have put a lot of effort and time into this, but with little/no
My second problem is the formatting of the cells in column "A", based
upon the formatting of the corresponding cell in column "B", as
previously discussed. If the formatting of "B1" is red&bold, so must
the corresponding cell, A1.
The column "A" already has 3 sets of conditional formatting in place -
so maybe this has to be done in VBA?
Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you for your time.