Hi all,
I can't seem to figure this out no matter what I try so I'd really
appreciate if anyone could answer a couple of quick questions on this
bit of code (I know it's old skool now but it needs to be in Office 97)
I've got an Access 97 database trying to mess around with a couple of
excel files -
Dim xlApp as object, mysheet as object, mysheet2 as object
set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
set mysheet = xlApp.Workbooks.Open("myfile.xls").Sheets(1)
set mysheet2 = xlApp.Workbooks.OpenText("myfile.txt", , 1, xlDelimited,
xlTextQualifierNone, False, False, False, False, False, True, "|",
but when it gets to mysheets2 I get run time error 424 - Object
Required. Although strangely when I make Excel visible I can see that
it's opened the file. Hence my questions are -
- Can the vba version of Excel open to workbooks at the same time (I
would assume so)?
- Or is the mysheet2 object trying to reference sheet 1 before the file
has been converted?
- Other than that, what am I doing wrong
I want to move forward with -
mysheet2.cells(2,8).Formula = "=A1*A2"
but as mysheet2 doesn't reference anything I can't get past it.
Any help would be much appreciated, thanks,