You could automate your data|filter|autofilter and delete the visible rows.
or you could use something like:
Option explicit
sub testme()
dim myCell as range
dim myRng as range
dim delRng as range
with activesheet
set myrng = .range("a2", .cells(.rows.count,"A").end(xlup))
end with
for each mycell in myrng.cells
if lcase(mycell.value) = lcase("apple") then
if delrng is nothing then
set delrng = mycell
set delrng = union(mycell, delrng)
end if
end if
next mycell
if delrng is nothing then
'do nothing
end if
end sub
supamari0 wrote:
> I have been using the autofilter but we want to set up a macro to automate
> the process. Any code or help with code to get that done?
> "Nick Hodge" wrote:
> > If you don't want a code solution try Data>Filter>Autofilter, filter column
> > A for Apples and delete the filtered rows, either by deleting the entire
> > rows or clearing the data from the rows and re-sorting (blanks will drop to
> > bottom)
> >
> > --
> > HTH
> > Nick Hodge
> > Microsoft MVP - Excel
> > Southampton, England
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "supamari0" <> wrote in message
> >
> > >I need to create a macro (probably can only be done through VB) that
> > >deletes
> > > rows based on a specific criteria. It should delete all rows that don't
> > > have
> > > a specific thing typed in it.
> > >
> > > For example, the macro would delete all rows that don't have apple in the
> > > cells under the A column (A1, A2, etc..)
> > >
> > > Any way at all to do that?
> >
> >
> >
Dave Peterson