Hi there,
I think my reply to my earlier question has got pushed quite far down and as
I still have another question regarding this issue so am reposting it. For
first part of issue please see further below for history and reply from Mat
So, assuming you have read Part 1, I shall continue : my total number of
pages being variable (see code for this in Part 1 below), I would like to
know if it is possible to print the range names on each page as a footer. So
for example "COMMANDE" on pages 1-2, "ETIQUETTES DESTINATAIRE" on pages 3-4
and then "CONDITIONNEMENT_1" etc. I had previously asked the same kind of
question but hadn't specified that the number of pages would be variable and
so the person gave me a solution using specific page numbers :
Sub ToPrintFooter()
Dim A As Integer
With Sheet1
For A = 1 To 5
With .PageSetup
.LeftFooter = "COMMANDE"
End With
.PrintOut From:=A, To:=A, Preview:=True
For A = 6 To 8
With .PageSetup
End With
.PrintOut From:=A, To:=A, Preview:=True
For A = 9 To 10
With .PageSetup
End With
.PrintOut From:=A, To:=A, Preview:=True
End With
End Sub
Does anyone have any idea as to how this could work with the variable range
names and pages?
Hi there,
I'm not entirely sure how you envisage the printing part of the problem to
work so I can't really help you there, but at least it won't be a major
problem to set cell range names programmatically:
Try for example this (and change as required for the ETIQUETTES_PRODUIT
part, of course):
For i = 2 To v
'Copies the Conditionnement pages
Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
Selection.Name = "CONDITIONNEMENT_" & CStr(i)
Next i
"rm81" wrote:
> Hi there,
> Am a bit of a beginner with VBA bu thave managed to get my project to work.
> However, I have come across a problem.
> I have several named ranges :
> Sub Nommer_les_plages()
> 'Ignore/excuse the French
> Range("A1:E100").Name = "COMMANDE"
> Range("A101:E200").Name = "ETIQUETTES_DESTINATAIRE"
> Range("A201:E300").Name = "ETIQUETTES_PRODUIT"
> Range("A301:E500").Name = "CONDITIONNEMENT"
> Range("A451:E500").Name = "FEUILLE_COMPLEMENTAIRE"
> Range("A501:E550").Name = "EMBALLAGE"
> Range("A551:E600").Name = "VERIFICATION_DU_DOSSIER"
> End Sub
> I refer to certain ranges in order to copy and insert them v number of times
> (v being a value in cell C12) into my worksheet i.e. :
> With Workbooks("Procédures.xls").Sheets(1).Activate
> Cells(12, 3).Activate
> v = ActiveCell.Value
> For i = 2 To v
> 'Copies the Conditionnement pages
> Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
> Next
> For i = 2 To v
> 'Copies the Etiquettes Produits pages
> Selection.Insert Shift:=xlDown
> Next
> Range("C6:D6").Select
> End With
> Now say v = 3, the ranges ("CONDITIONNEMENT") and ("ETIQUETTES_PRODUIT") are
> copied & pasted twice ABOVE the original ranges so in total I have three sets
> My desire would be to rename these ranges to something like
> "CONDITIONNEMENT_1", "CONDITIONNEMENT_2" etc and then make these range names
> appear as a footer when printed out.
> Am I being foolishly and wildly over optimistic in thinking that this could
> be possible???? Would be extremely grateful for a positive or even negative
> response as at least it would put me out of my misery.
> Cheers,
> Rm81