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Error 2015 with Application.Evaluate

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  1. #1

    Error 2015 with Application.Evaluate


    If someone could help me correct my VBA procedure. I'm lost and I don't know
    how to fix it. I get #value error.

    Here's an example of my spreadsheet:

    A B C D E F G
    20 6 F E Escada 1,940 495,866
    Here's my VBA procedure:
    Dim mtchValue As Variant
    Dim getvalue As Variant
    Dim sh As String
    Dim fname As Variant

    fname = Application.GetOpenFilename
    If fname = False Then
    Exit Sub 'cancel
    End If

    sh = MakeReferenceNicer(fname)

    Workbooks.Open Filename:=fname

    mtchValue = ("MATCH(1,(" & sh & "A1:A10000=20)*" & _
    "(" & sh & "B1:B10000=6)*" & "(" & sh & _
    "C1:C10000=""F"")*" & "(" & sh & _

    If Not IsError(mtchValue) Then
    getvalue = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" &
    mtchValue & ")")
    End If
    ActiveCell.Value = getvalue

    End Sub

    Function MakeReferenceNicer(fname) As String

    '"C:\My Documents\excel\book5.xls"
    'shooting for:
    '"'C:\My Documents\excel\[book5.xls]May'!"

    Dim iCtr As Long
    Dim myStr As String

    For iCtr = Len(fname) To 1 Step -1
    If Mid(fname, iCtr, 1) = "\" Then
    'found that last backslash
    myStr = "'" & Left(fname, iCtr) & _
    "[" & Mid(fname, iCtr + 1) & "]May'!"
    Exit For
    End If
    Next iCtr

    MakeReferenceNicer = myStr

    End Function


  2. #2
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Error 2015 with Application.Evaluate

    Without testing....

    getvalue _
    = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" & mtchValue & ")")
    needs an extra comma:
    getvalue _
    = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" & "," & mtchValue & ")")

    Jeff wrote:
    > Hello,
    > If someone could help me correct my VBA procedure. I'm lost and I don't know
    > how to fix it. I get #value error.
    > Here's an example of my spreadsheet:
    > A B C D E F G
    > 20 6 F E Escada 1,940 495,866
    > Here's my VBA procedure:
    > Dim mtchValue As Variant
    > Dim getvalue As Variant
    > Dim sh As String
    > Dim fname As Variant
    > fname = Application.GetOpenFilename
    > If fname = False Then
    > Exit Sub 'cancel
    > End If
    > sh = MakeReferenceNicer(fname)
    > Workbooks.Open Filename:=fname
    > mtchValue = ("MATCH(1,(" & sh & "A1:A10000=20)*" & _
    > "(" & sh & "B1:B10000=6)*" & "(" & sh & _
    > "C1:C10000=""F"")*" & "(" & sh & _
    > "E1:E10000=""Escada""),0)")
    > If Not IsError(mtchValue) Then
    > getvalue = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" &
    > mtchValue & ")")
    > End If
    > Range("S1").Select
    > ActiveCell.Value = getvalue
    > End Sub
    > Function MakeReferenceNicer(fname) As String
    > 'taking
    > '"C:\My Documents\excel\book5.xls"
    > 'shooting for:
    > '"'C:\My Documents\excel\[book5.xls]May'!"
    > Dim iCtr As Long
    > Dim myStr As String
    > For iCtr = Len(fname) To 1 Step -1
    > If Mid(fname, iCtr, 1) = "\" Then
    > 'found that last backslash
    > myStr = "'" & Left(fname, iCtr) & _
    > "[" & Mid(fname, iCtr + 1) & "]May'!"
    > Exit For
    > End If
    > Next iCtr
    > MakeReferenceNicer = myStr
    > End Function
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Jeff


    Dave Peterson

  3. #3

    Re: Error 2015 with Application.Evaluate

    Hi Dave,

    I made the correction, but I still have the same error msg (#value)


    "Dave Peterson" wrote:

    > Without testing....
    > getvalue _
    > = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" & mtchValue & ")")
    > needs an extra comma:
    > getvalue _
    > = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" & "," & mtchValue & ")")
    > Jeff wrote:
    > >
    > > Hello,
    > >
    > > If someone could help me correct my VBA procedure. I'm lost and I don't know
    > > how to fix it. I get #value error.
    > >
    > > Here's an example of my spreadsheet:
    > >
    > > A B C D E F G
    > > 20 6 F E Escada 1,940 495,866
    > > Here's my VBA procedure:
    > > Dim mtchValue As Variant
    > > Dim getvalue As Variant
    > > Dim sh As String
    > > Dim fname As Variant
    > >
    > > fname = Application.GetOpenFilename
    > > If fname = False Then
    > > Exit Sub 'cancel
    > > End If
    > >
    > > sh = MakeReferenceNicer(fname)
    > >
    > > Workbooks.Open Filename:=fname
    > >
    > > mtchValue = ("MATCH(1,(" & sh & "A1:A10000=20)*" & _
    > > "(" & sh & "B1:B10000=6)*" & "(" & sh & _
    > > "C1:C10000=""F"")*" & "(" & sh & _
    > > "E1:E10000=""Escada""),0)")
    > >
    > > If Not IsError(mtchValue) Then
    > > getvalue = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" &
    > > mtchValue & ")")
    > > End If
    > > Range("S1").Select
    > > ActiveCell.Value = getvalue
    > >
    > >
    > > End Sub
    > >
    > >
    > > Function MakeReferenceNicer(fname) As String
    > >
    > > 'taking
    > > '"C:\My Documents\excel\book5.xls"
    > > 'shooting for:
    > > '"'C:\My Documents\excel\[book5.xls]May'!"
    > >
    > > Dim iCtr As Long
    > > Dim myStr As String
    > >
    > > For iCtr = Len(fname) To 1 Step -1
    > > If Mid(fname, iCtr, 1) = "\" Then
    > > 'found that last backslash
    > > myStr = "'" & Left(fname, iCtr) & _
    > > "[" & Mid(fname, iCtr + 1) & "]May'!"
    > > Exit For
    > > End If
    > > Next iCtr
    > >
    > > MakeReferenceNicer = myStr
    > >
    > > End Function
    > >
    > > --
    > > Regards,
    > > Jeff

    > --
    > Dave Peterson

  4. #4
    Dave Peterson

    Re: Error 2015 with Application.Evaluate

    There was an error in the original thread.

    > > > mtchValue = ("MATCH(1,(" & sh & "A1:A10000=20)*" & _
    > > > "(" & sh & "B1:B10000=6)*" & "(" & sh & _
    > > > "C1:C10000=""F"")*" & "(" & sh & _
    > > > "E1:E10000=""Escada""),0)")

    Should have been:

    > > > mtchValue = application.evaluate _
    > > > ("MATCH(1,(" & sh & "A1:A10000=20)*" & _
    > > > "(" & sh & "B1:B10000=6)*" & "(" & sh & _
    > > > "C1:C10000=""F"")*" & "(" & sh & _
    > > > "E1:E10000=""Escada""),0)")

    Else mtchValue is just that long string.

    Jeff wrote:
    > Hi Dave,
    > I made the correction, but I still have the same error msg (#value)
    > --
    > Regards,
    > Jeff
    > "Dave Peterson" wrote:
    > > Without testing....
    > >
    > > getvalue _
    > > = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" & mtchValue & ")")
    > > needs an extra comma:
    > > getvalue _
    > > = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" & "," & mtchValue & ")")
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > Jeff wrote:
    > > >
    > > > Hello,
    > > >
    > > > If someone could help me correct my VBA procedure. I'm lost and I don't know
    > > > how to fix it. I get #value error.
    > > >
    > > > Here's an example of my spreadsheet:
    > > >
    > > > A B C D E F G
    > > > 20 6 F E Escada 1,940 495,866
    > > > Here's my VBA procedure:
    > > > Dim mtchValue As Variant
    > > > Dim getvalue As Variant
    > > > Dim sh As String
    > > > Dim fname As Variant
    > > >
    > > > fname = Application.GetOpenFilename
    > > > If fname = False Then
    > > > Exit Sub 'cancel
    > > > End If
    > > >
    > > > sh = MakeReferenceNicer(fname)
    > > >
    > > > Workbooks.Open Filename:=fname
    > > >
    > > > mtchValue = ("MATCH(1,(" & sh & "A1:A10000=20)*" & _
    > > > "(" & sh & "B1:B10000=6)*" & "(" & sh & _
    > > > "C1:C10000=""F"")*" & "(" & sh & _
    > > > "E1:E10000=""Escada""),0)")
    > > >
    > > > If Not IsError(mtchValue) Then
    > > > getvalue = Application.Evaluate("Index(" & sh & "F1:F10000" &
    > > > mtchValue & ")")
    > > > End If
    > > > Range("S1").Select
    > > > ActiveCell.Value = getvalue
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > End Sub
    > > >
    > > >
    > > > Function MakeReferenceNicer(fname) As String
    > > >
    > > > 'taking
    > > > '"C:\My Documents\excel\book5.xls"
    > > > 'shooting for:
    > > > '"'C:\My Documents\excel\[book5.xls]May'!"
    > > >
    > > > Dim iCtr As Long
    > > > Dim myStr As String
    > > >
    > > > For iCtr = Len(fname) To 1 Step -1
    > > > If Mid(fname, iCtr, 1) = "\" Then
    > > > 'found that last backslash
    > > > myStr = "'" & Left(fname, iCtr) & _
    > > > "[" & Mid(fname, iCtr + 1) & "]May'!"
    > > > Exit For
    > > > End If
    > > > Next iCtr
    > > >
    > > > MakeReferenceNicer = myStr
    > > >
    > > > End Function
    > > >
    > > > --
    > > > Regards,
    > > > Jeff

    > >
    > > --
    > >
    > > Dave Peterson
    > >


    Dave Peterson

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