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macro to make named ranges

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  1. #1

    macro to make named ranges

    Hi everyone,

    I put this post under a different title, so I decided to try it with a
    different subject.

    So, I'm making a macro that makes named ranges when the user inputs the
    column numbers and then the names of the two ranges. Here's the code as
    of now:

    Sub update()

    Dim columns() As String
    Dim length As Integer
    Dim X As String
    Dim y As String
    Dim first As Integer
    Dim second As Integer
    Dim length2 As Integer
    Dim names() As String
    Dim name1 As String
    Dim name2 As String

    output = InputBox("Which column(s)? (up to two and in numeric
    value)", "Ranges", "3, 4", , , "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    length = Len(output)
    Loop Until length < 8

    If length > 0 Then
    columns = Split(output)

    X = columns(0)
    y = columns(1)

    first = Val(X)
    second = Val(y)

    output2 = InputBox("First name?", "Ranges", "first", , ,
    "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    name1 = output2

    output3 = InputBox("Second name?", "Ranges", "second", , ,
    "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    name2 = output3

    Range(Cells(8, first), Cells(Rows.count, first).End(xlUp)).Name = name1
    Range(Cells(8, second), Cells(Rows.count, second).End(xlUp)).Name =

    End If

    End Sub

    It works, but I want to make it more user friendly. My final goal is to
    make it work like this type of named range:


    So that it will automatically be updated when new data is put in the
    columns, along with any graphs and equations that use the named range.
    At the moment, I have to go into the graphs and manually change the
    code from this:


    to this:


    I want to avoid this typing and code the macro in such a way that the
    graphs will automatically use the named range of the columns called in
    the graph.

    Also, when new data is added, at the moment I have to rerun the macro.
    This could lead to typing error in the names fo the ranges so the
    graphs may not update.

    Any thoughts on these? I'm new to VBA so I may be missing something
    obvious, so any help is greatly appreciated!

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Bob Phillips

    Re: macro to make named ranges

    Is this what you want?

    Sub update()
    Dim columns() As String
    Dim length As Integer
    Dim X As String
    Dim y As String
    Dim first As Integer
    Dim second As Integer
    Dim length2 As Integer
    Dim names() As String
    Dim name1 As String
    Dim name2 As String
    Dim output, output2, output3

    output = InputBox("Which column(s)? (up to two and in numeric value)", _
    "Ranges", "3, 4", , , "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure
    Help.hlp", 0)
    length = Len(output)
    Loop Until length < 8

    If length > 0 Then
    columns = Split(output)

    X = columns(0)
    y = columns(1)

    first = Val(X)
    second = Val(y)

    output2 = InputBox("First name?", "Ranges", "first", , , _
    "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    name1 = output2

    output3 = InputBox("Second name?", "Ranges", "second", , , _
    "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    name2 = output3

    With ActiveWorkbook.names
    .Add Name:=name1, _
    RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(Sheet1!R1C" & first & _
    ",1,0,COUNTA(C" & first & ":C" & first & ")-1)"
    .Add Name:=name2, _
    RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(Sheet1!R1C" & second & _
    ",1,0,COUNTA(C" & second & ":C" & second & ")-1)"
    End With

    End If


    Bob Phillips

    (replace somewhere in email address with gmail if mailing direct)

    "Rosencrantz" <mollsters13@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hi everyone,
    > I put this post under a different title, so I decided to try it with a
    > different subject.
    > So, I'm making a macro that makes named ranges when the user inputs the
    > column numbers and then the names of the two ranges. Here's the code as
    > of now:
    > Sub update()
    > Dim columns() As String
    > Dim length As Integer
    > Dim X As String
    > Dim y As String
    > Dim first As Integer
    > Dim second As Integer
    > Dim length2 As Integer
    > Dim names() As String
    > Dim name1 As String
    > Dim name2 As String
    > Do
    > output = InputBox("Which column(s)? (up to two and in numeric
    > value)", "Ranges", "3, 4", , , "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    > length = Len(output)
    > Loop Until length < 8
    > If length > 0 Then
    > columns = Split(output)
    > X = columns(0)
    > y = columns(1)
    > first = Val(X)
    > second = Val(y)
    > output2 = InputBox("First name?", "Ranges", "first", , ,
    > "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    > name1 = output2
    > output3 = InputBox("Second name?", "Ranges", "second", , ,
    > "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    > name2 = output3
    > Range(Cells(8, first), Cells(Rows.count, first).End(xlUp)).Name = name1
    > Range(Cells(8, second), Cells(Rows.count, second).End(xlUp)).Name =
    > name2
    > Else
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > It works, but I want to make it more user friendly. My final goal is to
    > make it work like this type of named range:
    > =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,1,0,COUNTA($A:$A)-1)
    > So that it will automatically be updated when new data is put in the
    > columns, along with any graphs and equations that use the named range.
    > At the moment, I have to go into the graphs and manually change the
    > code from this:

    > to this:

    > I want to avoid this typing and code the macro in such a way that the
    > graphs will automatically use the named range of the columns called in
    > the graph.
    > Also, when new data is added, at the moment I have to rerun the macro.
    > This could lead to typing error in the names fo the ranges so the
    > graphs may not update.
    > Any thoughts on these? I'm new to VBA so I may be missing something
    > obvious, so any help is greatly appreciated!
    > Thanks in advance!
    > ~M

  3. #3

    Re: macro to make named ranges

    Hmmm...unfortunately, it appears to be performing exactly the same way
    as my original code does, unless I'm not looking for the effect of the
    new lines in the right places.


  4. #4
    Don Guillett

    Re: macro to make named ranges

    I'm sure this is NOT what you want but you get the idea
    Sub createdefinednamerange()
    col1 = InputBox("enter 1st column letter")
    col2 = InputBox("enter lastcol")
    ms = "=offset(sheet1!$" & col1 & "$1,1,0,counta($" & col2 & ":$" & col2 &
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="ser1", RefersTo:=ms
    End Sub

    then you use in the chart as

    Don Guillett
    SalesAid Software
    "Rosencrantz" <mollsters13@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Hi everyone,
    > I put this post under a different title, so I decided to try it with a
    > different subject.
    > So, I'm making a macro that makes named ranges when the user inputs the
    > column numbers and then the names of the two ranges. Here's the code as
    > of now:
    > Sub update()
    > Dim columns() As String
    > Dim length As Integer
    > Dim X As String
    > Dim y As String
    > Dim first As Integer
    > Dim second As Integer
    > Dim length2 As Integer
    > Dim names() As String
    > Dim name1 As String
    > Dim name2 As String
    > Do
    > output = InputBox("Which column(s)? (up to two and in numeric
    > value)", "Ranges", "3, 4", , , "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    > length = Len(output)
    > Loop Until length < 8
    > If length > 0 Then
    > columns = Split(output)
    > X = columns(0)
    > y = columns(1)
    > first = Val(X)
    > second = Val(y)
    > output2 = InputBox("First name?", "Ranges", "first", , ,
    > "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    > name1 = output2
    > output3 = InputBox("Second name?", "Ranges", "second", , ,
    > "c:\Windows\Help\Procedure Help.hlp", 0)
    > name2 = output3
    > Range(Cells(8, first), Cells(Rows.count, first).End(xlUp)).Name = name1
    > Range(Cells(8, second), Cells(Rows.count, second).End(xlUp)).Name =
    > name2
    > Else
    > End If
    > End Sub
    > It works, but I want to make it more user friendly. My final goal is to
    > make it work like this type of named range:
    > =OFFSET(Sheet1!$A$1,1,0,COUNTA($A:$A)-1)
    > So that it will automatically be updated when new data is put in the
    > columns, along with any graphs and equations that use the named range.
    > At the moment, I have to go into the graphs and manually change the
    > code from this:
    > =SERIES(,grnd_results_d1_text_file.txt!$G$8:$G$56,grnd_results_d1_text_file.txt!$H$8:$H$56,1)
    > to this:
    > =SERIES(,grnd_results_d1_text_file.txt!FIRST,grnd_results_d1_text_file.txt!SECOND,1)
    > I want to avoid this typing and code the macro in such a way that the
    > graphs will automatically use the named range of the columns called in
    > the graph.
    > Also, when new data is added, at the moment I have to rerun the macro.
    > This could lead to typing error in the names fo the ranges so the
    > graphs may not update.
    > Any thoughts on these? I'm new to VBA so I may be missing something
    > obvious, so any help is greatly appreciated!
    > Thanks in advance!
    > ~M

  5. #5

    Re: macro to make named ranges

    Hmmm...I tried adjusting the code of the first thing you gave me, but I
    still can't get it to update when new data is added. If you have any
    other ideas or know where I can go to for some ideas, please let me
    know and thanks for your help!


  6. #6

    Re: macro to make named ranges

    Never mind, I got it to work-I left in lines from my own code in the
    code you sent me, so it messed up the ranges. But now, when I call the
    macro, the range becomes:

    first =

    Instead of

    first = OFFSET(grnd_results_d1_text_file.txt!$C:$8, 1, 0, _

    So, I'm trying to mess around with it to get it to be the second one.
    If you have any ideas of how I can tweak the lines:

    With ActiveWorkbook.names
    .Add Name:=name1, RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(Sheet1!C" & first & _
    ",1,0,COUNTA(C" & first & ":C" & first & ")-1)"
    .Add Name:=name2, RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(Sheet1!C" & second & _
    ",1,0,COUNTA(C" & second & ":C" & second & ")-1)"
    End With

    I would greatly appreciate it!


  7. #7
    Don Guillett

    Re: macro to make named ranges

    I was trying to illustrate that you can make substitutions. If you execute
    the code from the sheet where the name will go then you can just leave out
    the sheet! part. Excel should fill it in for you, where appropriate.

    Try changing my code instead of substituting yours.

    Sub createdefinednamerange()
    col1 = InputBox("enter 1st column letter")
    col2 = InputBox("enter lastcol")
    ms = "=offset($" & col1 & "$1,1,0,counta($" & col2 & ":$" & col2 &
    ActiveWorkbook.Names.Add Name:="ser1", RefersTo:=ms
    End Sub

    Here is another idea where you could substitute inputbox for =1
    Sub makename()
    fr = 1
    lr = 4
    fc = 2
    lc = 5
    With Sheets("sheet6")
    .Range(.Cells(fr, fc), .Cells(lr, lc)).Name = "Bill"
    End With
    End Sub

    or even this but not dynamic so executed when needed
    Sub makename()
    With Sheets("sheet6")
    fr = 1
    lr = Application.CountA(.Columns(1))
    fc = 2
    lc = 5
    .Range(.Cells(fr, fc), .Cells(lr, lc)).Name = "Billa"
    End With
    End Sub

    Don Guillett
    SalesAid Software
    "Rosencrantz" <mollsters13@gmail.com> wrote in message
    > Never mind, I got it to work-I left in lines from my own code in the
    > code you sent me, so it messed up the ranges. But now, when I call the
    > macro, the range becomes:
    > first =
    > OFFSET(Sheet1!$C:$C,1,0,COUNTA(grnd_results_d1_text_file.txt!$C:$C)-1)
    > Instead of
    > first = OFFSET(grnd_results_d1_text_file.txt!$C:$8, 1, 0, _
    > COUNTA(grnd_results_d1_text_file.txt!$C:$C)-1)
    > So, I'm trying to mess around with it to get it to be the second one.
    > If you have any ideas of how I can tweak the lines:
    > With ActiveWorkbook.names
    > .Add Name:=name1, RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(Sheet1!C" & first & _
    > ",1,0,COUNTA(C" & first & ":C" & first & ")-1)"
    > .Add Name:=name2, RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(Sheet1!C" & second & _
    > ",1,0,COUNTA(C" & second & ":C" & second & ")-1)"
    > End With
    > I would greatly appreciate it!
    > ~M

  8. #8

    Re: macro to make named ranges

    Thanks for your continued help! I tried the code you gave me, and it
    came up with weird errors when I tried to run it. Before I saw your
    post, though, I got to the point where when I run the macro, the named
    range is:


    But, now it needs to be:


    So, I need to chance $C:$C to $C$8. I'm looking at the code:

    With ActiveWorkbook.names
    .Add Name:=name1, RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(" & sheet & "!C" & first &
    ",1,0,COUNTA(C" & first & ":C" & first & ")-1)"
    .Add Name:=name2, RefersToR1C1:="=OFFSET(" & sheet & "!C" & second
    & ",1,0,COUNTA(C" & second & ":C" & second & ")-1)"
    End With

    And I can't figure out why that happens in the first place and how to
    stop it. Once I get this solved, then it will work properly in the
    graphs, and then I just have to worry about figuring out how to make
    the graphs automatically use the named ranges.

    Thanks, again, for your continued help!

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