I have a user form that requires 2 choices to be made, currently using combo
boxes for both.
I would like to make the choices 'smarter' though such that the choice
selected in the first combo box drives the choices available in the second
combo box.
I have 9 possible choices for the first combo box, each each of which should
have 3 to 9 possible choices listed in the second combo box, these choices
are in 9 separate rows in my data sheet.
So far I haven't figured out how to do this so the second combo box has been
set to refer to a 10th row source in which I have copied all the possible
answers for all the choices that could be made in the first box.
Any suggestions for a way to achieve this, I am not a slave to combo boxes
if there is a better option. I need it to be flexible so the user can change
their mind about the both choices before finally moving on though.