Thanks, it was a push in the right direction I needed. Because of the layout
of the exported file from the third party app the Filters was not an easy
option....but the collection object came up with the result. I'm already
looping through each line in the file so I included the following to identify
unique dates
Dim x As New Collection
Dim y As Integer
Dim MyObject
y = 1
Dim dateExists As Boolean
dateExists = False
x.Add Item:=Cells(4, 5).Value ' the first date is always in this cell
If Cells(y, 4).Value = "Monday" Then
dateExists = False
For Each MyObject In x
If MyObject = Cells(y, 5).Value Then
dateExists = True
End If
Next MyObject
If dateExists = False Then
x.Add Item:=Cells(y, 5).Value
End If
End If
y = y + 1
Loop Until y = 1000
z = x.Count
Many thanks again
Michael Bond
"Nigel" wrote:
> Have you looked at using advanced filters? This can be configured to
> produce a list of unique values that may provide the list you require.
> If not then you might consider using a Collection Object to build a unique
> list
> --
> Cheers
> Nigel
> "mabond" <> wrote in message
> > Hi all
> >
> > I'm hoping someone out there can suggest a way forward with a spreadsheet
> > application Ive recently developed.
> >
> > The spreadsheet contains data from a third party application which in
> > effect
> > produces a "csv" file with the planned shifts for a group of employees. My
> > application is designed to analyse the hours being worked in various
> > categories from the data contained in the spreadsheet.
> >
> > The user has the option from the third party application to select more
> > than
> > one employee and more than one week. If that option is selected the output
> > is
> > sorted by employee then by date. So employee 1 has a number of lines under
> > week 1 followed by a number of lines under week 2 followed by employee 2
> > with
> > week 1 and employee 2 with week 2 etc.
> >
> > Part of my analysis of the data requires that I know the number of weeks
> > in
> > the report. Presently that is done by way of a text box on the user form
> > asking the user to select 1 or 2 or 3 etc.
> >
> > I'd prefer if the number of weeks could be identified programatically so
> > my
> > question is :
> >
> > Is there a way we can count the number of unique values from all of the
> > values in a column .....
> >
> > Emp1, 22/05/06
> > Emp1, 29/05/06
> > Emp2, 22/05/06
> > Emp2, 29/05/06
> >
> > would give the result 2
> >
> > Note: the dates are not in consecutive rows. There is data in rows between
> > the firstd ate for Emp1 and second date for Emp2 etc., however the only
> > date
> > format which exists in the column is that against the employee name. None
> > of
> > the other rows between employee names contains a date format
> >
> > I hope I've explained my problem and add that I'm happy with a suggestion
> > for the principle of how to do it as I'm confident in my own coding to be
> > able to move forward if I can just have an idea as to how I could appraoch
> > it.
> >
> > Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Michael
> > in employee order