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Time Tracker

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Guest Time Tracker 05-17-2006, 09:10 AM
Guest RE: Time Tracker 05-17-2006, 09:25 AM
  1. #1

    Time Tracker

    Hi all,

    I am currently creating a time tracker but I am concerned with maybe I
    should change my design at this early stage as I feel it may not be as
    accurate as I wanted.

    I basically have a form with a load of option buttons and they are the
    'tasks', the code behind one of them for example is:

    Private Sub InPutting_Click()

    Dim TxtDelim, CellDelim
    TxtDelim = Chr(34)
    CellDelim = ","
    Open "G:\LEVY_GNT\GRANTS\Processing Team - TT\Time Tracker" &
    "\data.csv" For Append As #1
    MyString = TxtDelim & Application.UserName & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
    TxtDelim & "Started" & TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "Inputting" &
    TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "at" & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
    Print #1, MyString
    Close #1

    End Sub

    Private Sub InPutting_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

    Dim TxtDelim, CellDelim
    TxtDelim = Chr(34)
    CellDelim = ","
    Open "G:\LEVY_GNT\GRANTS\Processing Team - TT\Time Tracker" &
    "\data.csv" For Append As #1
    MyString = TxtDelim & Application.UserName & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
    TxtDelim & "Stopped" & TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "Inputting" &
    TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "at" & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
    Print #1, MyString
    Close #1

    End Sub

    Now, this puts the data in as two lines, a start and a finish, I could
    do with the whole activity being logged as one line with just a
    duration instead of a start and finish and that would save me a whole
    load of headaches.

    But I can work out how to design and or code it,

    Any ideas anyone bearing in mind I am a real beginner with vba?


  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    RE: Time Tracker

    You would probably need a public variable which you initialize in

    Public StartTime as Date

    Private Sub InPutting_Click()
    StartTime = Time
    End sub

    then in the exit code, subtract the value of this variable from the current

    Without knowing more about the situation, this would be my guess.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "Duncan" wrote:

    > Hi all,
    > I am currently creating a time tracker but I am concerned with maybe I
    > should change my design at this early stage as I feel it may not be as
    > accurate as I wanted.
    > I basically have a form with a load of option buttons and they are the
    > 'tasks', the code behind one of them for example is:
    > Private Sub InPutting_Click()
    > Dim TxtDelim, CellDelim
    > TxtDelim = Chr(34)
    > CellDelim = ","
    > Open "G:\LEVY_GNT\GRANTS\Processing Team - TT\Time Tracker" &
    > "\data.csv" For Append As #1
    > MyString = TxtDelim & Application.UserName & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
    > TxtDelim & "Started" & TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "Inputting" &
    > TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "at" & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
    > CStr(Time())
    > Print #1, MyString
    > Close #1
    > End Sub
    > Private Sub InPutting_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)
    > Dim TxtDelim, CellDelim
    > TxtDelim = Chr(34)
    > CellDelim = ","
    > Open "G:\LEVY_GNT\GRANTS\Processing Team - TT\Time Tracker" &
    > "\data.csv" For Append As #1
    > MyString = TxtDelim & Application.UserName & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
    > TxtDelim & "Stopped" & TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "Inputting" &
    > TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "at" & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
    > CStr(Time())
    > Print #1, MyString
    > Close #1
    > End Sub
    > Now, this puts the data in as two lines, a start and a finish, I could
    > do with the whole activity being logged as one line with just a
    > duration instead of a start and finish and that would save me a whole
    > load of headaches.
    > But I can work out how to design and or code it,
    > Any ideas anyone bearing in mind I am a real beginner with vba?
    > Duncan

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