Hi all,

I am currently creating a time tracker but I am concerned with maybe I
should change my design at this early stage as I feel it may not be as
accurate as I wanted.

I basically have a form with a load of option buttons and they are the
'tasks', the code behind one of them for example is:

Private Sub InPutting_Click()

Dim TxtDelim, CellDelim
TxtDelim = Chr(34)
CellDelim = ","
Open "G:\LEVY_GNT\GRANTS\Processing Team - TT\Time Tracker" &
"\data.csv" For Append As #1
MyString = TxtDelim & Application.UserName & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
TxtDelim & "Started" & TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "Inputting" &
TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "at" & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
Print #1, MyString
Close #1

End Sub

Private Sub InPutting_Exit(ByVal Cancel As MSForms.ReturnBoolean)

Dim TxtDelim, CellDelim
TxtDelim = Chr(34)
CellDelim = ","
Open "G:\LEVY_GNT\GRANTS\Processing Team - TT\Time Tracker" &
"\data.csv" For Append As #1
MyString = TxtDelim & Application.UserName & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
TxtDelim & "Stopped" & TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "Inputting" &
TxtDelim & CellDelim & TxtDelim & "at" & TxtDelim & CellDelim &
Print #1, MyString
Close #1

End Sub

Now, this puts the data in as two lines, a start and a finish, I could
do with the whole activity being logged as one line with just a
duration instead of a start and finish and that would save me a whole
load of headaches.

But I can work out how to design and or code it,

Any ideas anyone bearing in mind I am a real beginner with vba?
