Hello friends,
I am a newbie to this forum. So this is my first thread
Here is what I was looking for.
I have two check box in cell J6 and K6. These check boxes are linked to cell J6 and K6. I want the user to check only one box at any given point i.e. either J6 or K6 (i.e. Value of J6 is "TRUE" and K6 is "Flase" or vice viceversa). If the user checks both the boxes then value of both the cells J6 and K6 will become true, which needs to be avoided. I was looking for a macro which will get activated automatically when the user checks any of the boxes, and will give a error message to "SELECT ONLY ONE BOX" when the value for both the cells J6 and K6 is same.
Refer attached sheet for proper explanation...........
Thank you