....not in 2003
I set .left = 1 and .top = 1 and it works fine
in Excels other than 2003. There I get error 1004.
Can anybody help with that porblem
....not in 2003
I set .left = 1 and .top = 1 and it works fine
in Excels other than 2003. There I get error 1004.
Can anybody help with that porblem
After the error, try going into the vbe into tools=>References and see if
have a reference marked as MISSING. If so, you need to resolve the
This is just a guess of course, since the information you provided is
extremely limited.
Tom Ogilvy
"Peter Ostermann" wrote:
> ....not in 2003
> I set .left = 1 and .top = 1 and it works fine
> in Excels other than 2003. There I get error 1004.
> Can anybody help with that porblem
> Thanks.
> Peter
"Tom Ogilvy" <TomOgilvy@discussions.microsoft.com> write
> After the error, try going into the vbe into tools=>References and see if
> have a reference marked as MISSING. If so, you need to resolve the
> reference.
> This is just a guess of course, since the information you provided is
> extremely limited.
Hi to all (and Tom especially),
I try to open the workbook window fully,
adjusting it to the maximum usable space.
Sorry for´providing "extremely limited" information.
here is the code:
With ActiveWindow
.Left = 1
.Top = 1
.Height = Application.UsableHeight
.Width = Application.UsableWidth
End With
Each of the 4 lines between With.. and .. End
are producing an error. That is what the customer says.
He has XL 2003. I have XL 97, 2000, 2002 only.
If I deliver the application to the customer after it
runs errorfree in my environment*s* - can he
then have a Reference not resolved still?
I am not so deep in the vbe, but XL 2003 should
be downward compatible to Excel 2000, which
is the platform that I use for development.
Best Regards
Peter Ostermann
"Peter Ostermann" <pkfode@arcor.de> wrote
> ...not in 2003
> I set .left = 1 and .top = 1 and it works fine
> in Excels other than 2003. There I get error 1004.
> Can anybody help with that porblem
> Thanks.
> Peter
Excel 2003 is in this matter definitively not downward
compatible to Excel 2000 and 2002.
Does anyone know a workaround for to run under
Excel 2003 all Excel-VBA-applications that are developed
under Excel 2000?
Thanks in advance for any hint.
I wouldn't see xl2003 having any trouble with that command.
xl2003 should be able to run anything you develop in xl2000.
I am not aware of any incompatibility in what is developed in xl2000 and
then run in xl2003. If there is, it isn't in any commonly used functions,
methods or properties.
Tom Ogilvy
"Peter Ostermann" <pkfode@arcor.de> wrote in message
> "Tom Ogilvy" <TomOgilvy@discussions.microsoft.com> write
> > After the error, try going into the vbe into tools=>References and see
> > have a reference marked as MISSING. If so, you need to resolve the
> > reference.
> >
> > This is just a guess of course, since the information you provided is
> > extremely limited.
> >
> Hi to all (and Tom especially),
> I try to open the workbook window fully,
> adjusting it to the maximum usable space.
> Sorry for´providing "extremely limited" information.
> here is the code:
> With ActiveWindow
> .Left = 1
> .Top = 1
> .Height = Application.UsableHeight
> .Width = Application.UsableWidth
> End With
> Each of the 4 lines between With.. and .. End
> are producing an error. That is what the customer says.
> He has XL 2003. I have XL 97, 2000, 2002 only.
> If I deliver the application to the customer after it
> runs errorfree in my environment*s* - can he
> then have a Reference not resolved still?
> I am not so deep in the vbe, but XL 2003 should
> be downward compatible to Excel 2000, which
> is the platform that I use for development.
> Best Regards
> Peter Ostermann
> www.pkf-ostermann.de
"Tom Ogilvy" <twogilvy@msn.com> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
>I wouldn't see xl2003 having any trouble with that command.
> xl2003 should be able to run anything you develop in xl2000.
> I am not aware of any incompatibility in what is developed in xl2000 and
> then run in xl2003. If there is, it isn't in any commonly used functions,
> methods or properties.
is in your Version of Excel 2003 under tools -> references the
Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects hooked/made available?
In the IDE in the "directwindow" (I do not know if translation
from the German version for this window is correct) you can by command
" ?application.Build" find out which servicepack level you use, so I
can compare.
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