"Tom Ogilvy" <TomOgilvy@discussions.microsoft.com> write
> After the error, try going into the vbe into tools=>References and see if
> have a reference marked as MISSING. If so, you need to resolve the
> reference.
> This is just a guess of course, since the information you provided is
> extremely limited.
Hi to all (and Tom especially),
I try to open the workbook window fully,
adjusting it to the maximum usable space.
Sorry for´providing "extremely limited" information.
here is the code:
With ActiveWindow
.Left = 1
.Top = 1
.Height = Application.UsableHeight
.Width = Application.UsableWidth
End With
Each of the 4 lines between With.. and .. End
are producing an error. That is what the customer says.
He has XL 2003. I have XL 97, 2000, 2002 only.
If I deliver the application to the customer after it
runs errorfree in my environment*s* - can he
then have a Reference not resolved still?
I am not so deep in the vbe, but XL 2003 should
be downward compatible to Excel 2000, which
is the platform that I use for development.
Best Regards
Peter Ostermann