My apologies, Tan - I misinterpreted your post to mean the file path was
stored in the range, not the actual picture. You can do the reverse - find
the reference to the picture object, by code like this:

Public Function PictureInRange(SearchRange As Range) As Object
Dim FoundPic As Object

For Each FoundPic In SearchRange.Parent.Pictures
If Not Intersect(FoundPic.TopLeftCell, SearchRange) Is Nothing Then _
Set PictureInRange = FoundPic
Next FoundPic

End Function

However, making use of the picture might be difficult. It can be copied and
pasted elsewhere on a worksheet, but I don't know any easy way to get it onto
a form (as far as I know you cannot paste into a userform image control.
- K Dales

"Tan" wrote:

> Dales
> The picture is actually in the spreadsheet, and has a range name defined
> with it. I would not want to store the picture in a separate file. Will
> your code works to access to picture from based on the range name?
> Regards
> "K Dales" wrote:
> > Sub InsertPicture(PicturePath as String, PlacementCell as Range)
> > ' PicturePath will be the file path (from your range)
> > ' PlacementCell is the cell where the top left of the picture will go
> >
> > Dim NewPic As Object
> >
> > Set NewPic = PlacementCell.Parent.Pictures.Insert(PicturePath)
> > NewPic.Name = "Logo" ' allows you to easily refer to the picture in the
> > future
> > ' (i.e. ActiveSheet.Pictures("Logo"))
> > NewPic.Top = PlacementCell.Top
> > NewPic.Left = PlacementCell.Left
> >
> > End Sub
> > --
> > - K Dales
> >
> >
> > "Tan" wrote:
> >
> > > I have a picture stored in a range name in an excel spreadsheet. I need a
> > > VBA to display the logo on a form. How can I go about doing it? In the
> > > form, do I define it as an image? If so, then how do I point the image to
> > > the range name?