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Populate a cell based on a keyword it found in another

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Populate a cell based on a keyword it found in another


    I'm well out of my league on this one but its something that I really need to do and was hoping someone could help

    I have a column called Screener and each cell in that column contains text data such as the following example

    S1 ~ The specimen is satisfactory for evaluation. ~ 01;G1 ~ Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy. ~ 01;R1 ~ The next smear should be taken at the usual screening interval. ~ 01

    Another cell might contain different text

    I cant change this as it is generated by software that I use and I export that data to a spreadsheet.

    What I need to do is run a macro to look at that text above along the lines of - if the text in that cell contains the word S1 or the word ASCUS or any other combination of words, then it will assign a text value to it such as 'LG'. If it found some other word in that text above then it might assign a different text type e.g if it found the word HS1 then it would assign a value of 'HG'. It would put that assigned value into a new column. It would then move to the next cell in that column and perform the same function and so on.

    So essentially I would like to compress all that text above into one word depending on what key words it finds in that text. I have upwards of several hundred records which I have to manually determine whether its and LG or HG or something else and it would make life so much easiier if I could read one word rather than a whole string of text. I can then sort the data based on that new word it generated. Hope I've made that clear. I have attached an example of what I'm trying to acheive.

    Any help would be most appreciated - I just dont have the necessary skills to do this and was hoping someone out there would know the code I would need to enter into the macro to acheive this end. Someone did suggest an array formula but I would much rather stick with a macro as I have less a grasp with formulae than I do with VBA.

    kind regards

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    I didn't look at your zip file (call me paranoid) so I hope this is enough to get you started. It's probably not the most efficient but it works.

    Sub Test()
    Dim Screener As String
    Screener = "C" 'Change this to the proper column

    Dim Criteria1 As String
    Dim Criteria2 As String
    Dim Criteria3 As String
    Criteria1 = "S1" 'Change as needed
    Criteria2 = "ASCUS" 'Change as needed
    Criteria3 = "HS1" 'Change as needed
    '(you can add more criterias if needed)
    'Note: "HS1" criteria comes AFTER "S1" not before
    'Note: search is Case Sensitive

    Range(Screener & "2").Select 'Assumes that you have a header in Row 1

    Dim iRow As Integer
    Dim iTotalRows As Integer
    iRow = 0
    iTotalRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria1 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria2 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria3 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 2).Value = "HG"
    iRow = iRow + 1
    Loop Until iRow = iTotalRows - 1

    End Sub

    Quote Originally Posted by ghobbit

    I'm well out of my league on this one but its something that I really need to do and was hoping someone could help

    I have a column called Screener and each cell in that column contains text data such as the following example

    S1 ~ The specimen is satisfactory for evaluation. ~ 01;G1 ~ Negative for intraepithelial lesion or malignancy. ~ 01;R1 ~ The next smear should be taken at the usual screening interval. ~ 01

    Another cell might contain different text

    I cant change this as it is generated by software that I use and I export that data to a spreadsheet.

    What I need to do is run a macro to look at that text above along the lines of - if the text in that cell contains the word S1 or the word ASCUS or any other combination of words, then it will assign a text value to it such as 'LG'. If it found some other word in that text above then it might assign a different text type e.g if it found the word HS1 then it would assign a value of 'HG'. It would put that assigned value into a new column. It would then move to the next cell in that column and perform the same function and so on.

    So essentially I would like to compress all that text above into one word depending on what key words it finds in that text. I have upwards of several hundred records which I have to manually determine whether its and LG or HG or something else and it would make life so much easiier if I could read one word rather than a whole string of text. I can then sort the data based on that new word it generated. Hope I've made that clear. I have attached an example of what I'm trying to acheive.

    Any help would be most appreciated - I just dont have the necessary skills to do this and was hoping someone out there would know the code I would need to enter into the macro to acheive this end. Someone did suggest an array formula but I would much rather stick with a macro as I have less a grasp with formulae than I do with VBA.

    kind regards


  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Many thanks for that - I'll have a play with it shortly.

    At the risk of appearing a bit cheeky though can I ask another thing? In the attachment I posted (I understand you not wanting to open it) it had one example of where a cell contains the text ;;;LSIL- CIN1/HPV (with all the semi colons). I assume from your code that it'll be able to see LSIL which is the bit I'd be interested in and do what I wanted it to do.

    However in the cell below it is another text which is ;;;LSIL- CIN1/HPV;ASC-H

    ASC-H has a higher priority than LSIL (they're in reference to types of cancers) so that would have to take preference. Is it possible to manipulate the code in some way so that if it sees one thing such as LSIL it would assign one code such as LG (low Grade) but if it sees a combination with both LSIL AND ASC-H (High Grade) then ASC-H would take preference and HG would duly be assigned into the column.

    Sounds a bit complicated. But I need some flexibility to be able to add and change things as necessary. I cant write VBA (well not very much) but I can generally read it and get a feel for whats going on and I'll have a play with your code that you've posted.

    Many thanks for that - most appreciated


  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor
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    It will indeed find the LSIL.
    In the attachment I posted (I understand you not wanting to open it) it had one example of where a cell contains the text ;;;LSIL- CIN1/HPV (with all the semi colons). I assume from your code that it'll be able to see LSIL which is the bit I'd be interested in and do what I wanted it to do.

    in the code:
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria1 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria2 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria3 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 2).Value = "HG"
    iRow = iRow + 1
    Loop Until iRow = iTotalRows - 1
    each if/statement will overwrite the ones above it. So if the cell contains Criteria1 and Criteria3, the results will be Criteria3 (i.e. "HG").
    However in the cell below it is another text which is ;;;LSIL- CIN1/HPV;ASC-H
    ASC-H has a higher priority than LSIL (they're in reference to types of cancers) so that would have to take preference. Is it possible to manipulate the code in some way so that if it sees one thing such as LSIL it would assign one code such as LG (low Grade) but if it sees a combination with both LSIL AND ASC-H (High Grade) then ASC-H would take preference and HG would duly be assigned into the column.

    I hope that helps. Let me know.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Many thanks for your help and explainations.

    I tweaked the code a little as per the instructions you included with it and it works more or less as I had hoped it would. Except for a couple of things - here is the code as I have it at the moment

    Sub Test()
    Dim Screener As String
    Screener = "A" 'Change this to the proper column

    Dim Criteria1 As String
    Dim Criteria2 As String
    Dim Criteria3 As String
    Dim Criteria4 As String
    Dim Criteria5 As String

    Criteria1 = "LSIL" 'Change as needed
    Criteria2 = "ASC-US" 'Change as needed
    Criteria3 = "ASC-H" 'Change as needed
    Criteria4 = "HSIL" 'Change as needed
    Criteria5 = "G1" 'Change as needed

    '(you can add more criterias if needed)
    'Note: "HS1" criteria comes AFTER "S1" not before
    'Note: search is Case Sensitive

    Range(Screener & "2").Select 'Assumes that you have a header in Row 1

    Dim iRow As Integer
    Dim iTotalRows As Integer
    iRow = 0
    iTotalRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria1 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria2 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria3 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 2).Value = "HG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria4 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "HG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria5 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "NEG"

    ‘If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria6 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 2).Value = "HG"

    iRow = iRow + 1
    Loop Until iRow = iTotalRows - 1

    End Sub

    I noticed where it says
    Range(Screener & "2").Select 'Assumes that you have a header in Row 1

    I had a header and when I ran the macro it did its job down to all but the last row. I had 30 rows for this test and the macro went from row 2 down to row 29. So I added some more rows so that I had 60 in all and re-ran the macro. This time it went down to row 59 - how do I get it to go all the way to the bottom regardless of how many rows I have?

    Lastly you said that
    each if/statement will overwrite the ones above it. So if the cell contains Criteria1 and Criteria3, the results will be Criteria3 (i.e. "HG").

    It might be that I've got my wires crossed and havent got the above in the right order but in a cell I have LSIL-CIN I/HPV:ASC-H

    Going by the criteria order above - it should look at LSIL first and therefore its a 'LG' however Criteria 3 finds ASC-H and therefore it overwrites 'LG' and makes it a 'HG'

    So far this isnt happened. What its doing is looking in A2 and finding LSIL-CIN I/HPV:ASC-H and putting the 'LG' in B2 and then it puts 'HG' in C2 rather overwriting 'LG' in B2. I would prefer it to overwrite it - is this supposed to happen or have I done something wrong?

    many thanks for your time and patience.



  6. #6
    Valued Forum Contributor
    Join Date
    Hi, sorry. Those were my fault I think. This should do it though. The reason it was going to the cell to the right was because of the "2" for the column in the if/statement... I changed them back to "1". Also, the error in it checking all but the last row should now be fixed as well.

    Sub Test()
    Dim Screener As String
    Screener = "A" 'Change this to the proper column

    Dim Criteria1 As String
    Dim Criteria2 As String
    Dim Criteria3 As String
    Dim Criteria4 As String
    Dim Criteria5 As String

    Criteria1 = "LSIL" 'Change as needed
    Criteria2 = "ASC-US" 'Change as needed
    Criteria3 = "ASC-H" 'Change as needed
    Criteria4 = "HSIL" 'Change as needed
    Criteria5 = "G1" 'Change as needed

    '(you can add more criterias if needed)
    'Note: "HS1" criteria comes AFTER "S1" not before
    'Note: search is Case Sensitive

    Range(Screener & "2").Select 'Assumes that you have a header in Row 1

    Dim iRow As Integer
    Dim iTotalRows As Integer
    iRow = 0
    iTotalRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria1 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria2 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria3 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "HG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria4 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "HG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria5 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "NEG"

    'If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria6 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "HG"

    iRow = iRow + 1
    Loop Until iRow = iTotalRows

    End Sub

    Quote Originally Posted by ghobbit

    Many thanks for your help and explainations.

    I tweaked the code a little as per the instructions you included with it and it works more or less as I had hoped it would. Except for a couple of things - here is the code as I have it at the moment

    Sub Test()
    Dim Screener As String
    Screener = "A" 'Change this to the proper column

    Dim Criteria1 As String
    Dim Criteria2 As String
    Dim Criteria3 As String
    Dim Criteria4 As String
    Dim Criteria5 As String

    Criteria1 = "LSIL" 'Change as needed
    Criteria2 = "ASC-US" 'Change as needed
    Criteria3 = "ASC-H" 'Change as needed
    Criteria4 = "HSIL" 'Change as needed
    Criteria5 = "G1" 'Change as needed

    '(you can add more criterias if needed)
    'Note: "HS1" criteria comes AFTER "S1" not before
    'Note: search is Case Sensitive

    Range(Screener & "2").Select 'Assumes that you have a header in Row 1

    Dim iRow As Integer
    Dim iTotalRows As Integer
    iRow = 0
    iTotalRows = ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count

    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria1 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria2 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "LG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria3 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 2).Value = "HG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria4 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "HG"
    If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria5 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 1).Value = "NEG"

    ‘If ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 0).Value Like "*" & Criteria6 & "*" Then ActiveCell.Offset(iRow, 2).Value = "HG"

    iRow = iRow + 1
    Loop Until iRow = iTotalRows - 1

    End Sub

    I noticed where it says
    Range(Screener & "2").Select 'Assumes that you have a header in Row 1

    I had a header and when I ran the macro it did its job down to all but the last row. I had 30 rows for this test and the macro went from row 2 down to row 29. So I added some more rows so that I had 60 in all and re-ran the macro. This time it went down to row 59 - how do I get it to go all the way to the bottom regardless of how many rows I have?

    Lastly you said that
    each if/statement will overwrite the ones above it. So if the cell contains Criteria1 and Criteria3, the results will be Criteria3 (i.e. "HG").

    It might be that I've got my wires crossed and havent got the above in the right order but in a cell I have LSIL-CIN I/HPV:ASC-H

    Going by the criteria order above - it should look at LSIL first and therefore its a 'LG' however Criteria 3 finds ASC-H and therefore it overwrites 'LG' and makes it a 'HG'

    So far this isnt happened. What its doing is looking in A2 and finding LSIL-CIN I/HPV:ASC-H and putting the 'LG' in B2 and then it puts 'HG' in C2 rather overwriting 'LG' in B2. I would prefer it to overwrite it - is this supposed to happen or have I done something wrong?

    many thanks for your time and patience.



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