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Challenge Parsing characters in a String

  1. #1

    Challenge Parsing characters in a String

    My problem is: I'm trying to parse out certain text patterns from the
    first column cell to the second column cell if that cell contains those
    patterns, if not nulls the cell. The text string in the first column
    cell does not contain any spaces, commas, hashes or normal patterns
    that you can lock onto for filtering. Tried building an Array but
    having problems with the filtering. My previous attempts to do this
    haven't workedand I haven't managed to find work arounds using other

    The patterns I need to parse on are ## - #S, # - #S, RG###, -FO and
    several others.
    Example: 24-2S, 2-2S, RG142, FO
    All the cells in the first column are the ones I need to look at.

    Rows |AB2021A24-2S | |
    |AB2022A2-2S | |
    |BC2003ARG142 | |
    |IP1070A22-4S | |

    Thank You,

  2. #2

    Re: Challenge Parsing characters in a String

    What do you mean by parse? i.e We can see what you are starting with,
    but what do you want to finish with??


  3. #3

    Re: Challenge Parsing characters in a String

    Sorry I did not state that. It was late and I was tired when I posted.
    What I meant was that if the cell in the first row contained that
    pattern then the second column next to the first would contain only the
    string it found.

    Found in 1st Column Posted in 2nd Column
    AB2021A24-2S 24-2S
    AB2022A2-2S RG142
    IP1070A22-4S 22-4S

    I hope that this helps in clarifying this.

    Thank you again,

  4. #4

    Re: Challenge Parsing characters in a String

    Oops. Fixed Example. Still waking up. Sorry.

    Found in 1st Column Posted in 2nd Column
    AB2021A24-2S 24-2S
    BC2003ARG142 RG142
    IP1070A22-4S 22-4S


  5. #5

    RE: Challenge Parsing characters in a String

    Hi VectorZ,

    You could try something like this. (modify to suit)

    Sub ParseMyString3()
    Dim s1 As String, s2 As String, s3 As String, s4 As String
    Dim iPos As Integer
    Dim lLastRow As Long, r As Long

    s1 = "A##-#S"
    s2 = "A#-#S"
    s3 = "ARG###"
    s4 = "FO"

    With Range("A:A")
    lLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    For r = 1 To lLastRow
    If .Cells(r, 1) <> "" Then
    iPos = 0
    If .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s1 Then
    .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 5)
    ElseIf .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s2 Then
    .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 4)
    ElseIf .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s3 Then
    .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 5)
    ElseIf .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s4 Then
    .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 2)
    End If
    End If
    Next r
    End With
    End Sub


  6. #6

    Re: Challenge Parsing characters in a String

    GS Thank you VERY much. That did the trick. The only issue left is that
    the prefix of A in the pattern can change form an A through Z in
    character(see example of characters). Changed to this. One thing I'll
    have to remember is when adding common patterns to add the longer ones
    first to filter before going to the shorter common patterns (see
    example of patterns).

    Example of Characters:
    AB2021A24-2S has an A24-2S but the A before the 24-2S can range from an
    A to Z. The
    BC2003ARG142 can be filtered off of RG and same with FO and many others

    Example of Patterns:
    s1 = "###-#S"
    s2 = "##-#S"
    s3 = "#-#S"

    Changed Code and works great:

    Sub ParseMyString3()
    Dim s1 As String, s2 As String, s3 As String, s4 As String
    Dim iPos As Integer
    Dim lLastRow As Long, r As Long

    s1 = "##-#S"
    s2 = "#-#S"
    s3 = "RG###"
    s4 = "FO"

    With Range("A:A")
    lLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    For r = 1 To lLastRow
    If .Cells(r, 1) <> "" Then
    iPos = 0
    If .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s1 Then
    .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 5)
    ElseIf .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s2 Then
    .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 4)
    ElseIf .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s3 Then
    .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 5)
    ElseIf .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s4 Then
    .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 2)
    End If
    End If
    Next r
    End With
    End Sub

  7. #7

    RE: Challenge Parsing characters in a String

    A correction is needed for s4, it should be s4 = "-FO"


    "GS" wrote:

    > Hi VectorZ,
    > You could try something like this. (modify to suit)
    > Sub ParseMyString3()
    > Dim s1 As String, s2 As String, s3 As String, s4 As String
    > Dim iPos As Integer
    > Dim lLastRow As Long, r As Long
    > s1 = "A##-#S"
    > s2 = "A#-#S"
    > s3 = "ARG###"
    > s4 = "FO"
    > With Range("A:A")
    > lLastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
    > For r = 1 To lLastRow
    > If .Cells(r, 1) <> "" Then
    > iPos = 0
    > If .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s1 Then
    > .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 5)
    > ElseIf .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s2 Then
    > .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 4)
    > ElseIf .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s3 Then
    > .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 5)
    > ElseIf .Cells(r).Value Like "*" & s4 Then
    > .Cells(r, 2).Value = Right$(.Cells(r, 1).Value, 2)
    > End If
    > End If
    > Next r
    > End With
    > End Sub
    > HTH
    > Regards,
    > Garry

  8. #8

    Re: Challenge Parsing characters in a String

    You're welcome!

    I wasn't sure about the consistency of the "actual" pattern so I went with
    what you posted to demonstrate differentiating between similar patterns. (ie.
    s2 is found in s1)Your solution to modify the patterns exact and order them
    as you have is a good idea.


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