

I tried this on one machine yesterday that had Symantec Antivirus and it
caused a problem because it thought the workbook with this code had a virus
called "Bloodhound.ExcelMacro." When I tried it on another machine, it ran,
although I only had the export Filename4 lines.



"mikeb" <yaroguy@nospam.nospam> wrote in message
>I need to copy some event procedures from one Thisworkbook module to
> Thisworkbook module, I have some code but it crashes Excel, can someone
> tell
> what I'm doing wrong?
> filename1 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\tempmoditerate.bas"
> filename2 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\tempmodrunsfgcalcs.bas"
> filename3 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\tempmodsfcalcs.bas"
> filename4 = ThisWorkbook.Path & "\tempmain.bas"
> ThisWorkbook.VBProject.vbcomponents("modIterate").Export filename1
> ThisWorkbook.VBProject.vbcomponents("runsfgcalcs").Export filename2
> ThisWorkbook.VBProject.vbcomponents("sfcalcs").Export filename3
> ThisWorkbook.VBProject.vbcomponents("ThisWorkbook").Export filename4
> Set vbp = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject
> On Error Resume Next
> With vbp.vbcomponents
> .Remove vbp.vbcomponents("moditerate")
> .Import filename1
> .Remove vbp.vbcomponents("runsfgcalcs")
> .Import filename2
> .Remove vbp.vbcomponents("sfcalcs")
> .Import filename3
> Lines = vbp.vbcomponents("thisworkbook").CodeModule.countoflines
> vbp.vbcomponents("thisworkbook").CodeModule.deletelines 1, Lines
> vbp.vbcomponents("thisworkbook").CodeModule.addfromfile filename4
> vbp.vbcomponents("thisworkbook").CodeModule.deletelines 1, 4
> End With
> Kill filename1
> Kill filename2
> Kill filename3
> Kill filename4