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RTD Server question, Excel to Excel connection

  1. #1
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    Question RTD Server question, Excel to Excel connection


    I'd like to create a RTD server in which the source and target are both excel worksheets.

    More specifically, I have one Excel worksheet (worksheet 1) stored on one machine which contains data that is being updated from an external source - real time. I want to create a RTD server that gathers data from worksheet 1, and updates data on a second worksheet (worksheet 2), which is stored on a separate machine.

    I can't link the the sheets directly with data being updated realtime because they are stored on 2 separate machines within a network. When I try to open worksheet 2 after doing that, Excel asks me to "update the links". That ends up only grabbing a snapshot of data from worksheet 1.

    The 2 worksheets have to be on 2 separate machines because of certain software limitations.

    Can a RTD server be created to handle this? If so, how?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated!


  2. #2
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  3. #3

    Re: RTD Server question, Excel to Excel connection


    I have the same need. I have a Excel spreadsheet that is reading 300
    external HTTP strings continually. I want to share this data to 4
    other instances of Excel (on other PC's on the network) where it will
    be used in calculations etc, without having to save the xls file to

    So far it seems that a RTD server, using the excel data will be the
    best way.

    I have gone through the standard txt and xml RTD server examples.

    Someone please help us.


    Posted via http://www.mcse.ms
    View this thread: http://www.mcse.ms/message2281448.html

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