I save a workbook to a public drive. It's a copy of a workbook I update
each night. I want folks here to bring up this workbook duing the day
to look up records. This is to be for view only. There will be multiple
users that will have this workbook open during the day.
Is there a way for the workbook to come up in Read-only mode, without
the message box telling you that the workbook is already open? They
would naturally accept the Read-Only mode from the message box. But, I
don't want there to be any confusion from users who don't normally use
Excel, or other programs where you can see this message. I also don't
want anyone clicking the "Notify..." button, either.
So, I'd like to save this file so that it will come up as read-only
without any message box.
Is this possible? I've looked in past posts, and don't see anything
dealing with this as a default setting.