I would like to replace 2 sets of characters within a DDE string/object/link
(not sure of the correct term) accross a row of cells with a value entered
into 2 cells at the begining of the row ie
Cells C1:S1 contain DDE links to an external program from which live data is
retrieved, an example of which-
A1 - value of L22 is entered by the user.
B1 - value of O055 is entered by the user.
What I would like to happen is when the user enters L22 into A1, L** is
found in the DDE link and replaced with L22. Simalarly, when O055 is entered
into B1, O*** is found and replaced with O055. The letter in brackets at the
end of the link needs to remain intact.
I have tried recording a macro to get me started with the code but I cant
figure out how to use a cell value and wildcards as the find and replace
Thanks in Advance for any help.