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problem with code

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  1. #1
    Ivan Raiminius

    Re: problem with code

    Hi Ana,

    no, you don't need to set reference with late binding.
    You need to "dim fs as object" first

    Or you can set reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" (early
    binding), and code like this:
    dim fs as scripting.filesystemobject
    set fs=new scripting.filesystemobject


  2. #2

    Re: problem with code

    if I add
    dim fs as scripting.filesystemobject

    there is an error in this line

    but my macro was working fine last week the same code (it has been working
    fine for almost a year) and now after someone touched my computer we had to
    install everything again that is the only diference...........

    "Ivan Raiminius" wrote:

    > Hi Ana,
    > no, you don't need to set reference with late binding.
    > You need to "dim fs as object" first
    > Or you can set reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" (early
    > binding), and code like this:
    > dim fs as scripting.filesystemobject
    > set fs=new scripting.filesystemobject
    > Regards,
    > Ivan

  3. #3
    Ivan Raiminius

    Re: problem with code


    if you add
    dim fs as scripting.filesystemobject
    you should also set the reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime".

    When your original code stops, what is the error message?


  4. #4

    Re: problem with code

    it was that the missing reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime".
    thank you


    Ivan Raiminius" wrote:

    > Hi,
    > if you add
    > dim fs as scripting.filesystemobject
    > you should also set the reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime".
    > When your original code stops, what is the error message?
    > Regards,
    > Ivan

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