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N/A # and error 2015

  1. #1

    N/A # and error 2015

    Hello to all,

    I have this while with this condition:

    dim nav as variant

    roomvalue= CVErr(xlErrNA)

    While IsError(roomvalue) 'while nav is error "this formula = n/A# ,
    I do the formula

    StrFormula2 = "Client(""CLIENT"", " & name & ", ""ROOM"", """ &
    currentdate & """)"
    roomvalue= Evaluate(StrFormula2)
    currentdate = getpreviousday(currentdate)


    But I have an error 2015 and I do not understand why? roomvalue is a
    float number and I declared it as variant; could it be a problem


  2. #2
    K Dales

    RE: N/A # and error 2015

    It is OK to have a variant to hold a float, so I don't think that is it. But
    one thing is that in your sample at least you seem to have changed the
    variable nav to roomvalue, so roomvalue was never declared with a type. I
    think you mean to have the Dim statement to be Dim roomvalue as variant.

    However, that may not be the problem - it could be in your functions, either
    Client() or getpreviousday(). Also, you never initialize currentdate so the
    first time through your call to Client that is evaluated would be
    Client("CLIENT", , "ROOM", "") - is this what you want, and will Client()
    accept a blank string as the date here?

    Hard to say any more without knowing which line of code is giving the error
    and also what is the code behind your functions.
    - K Dales

    "ina" wrote:

    > Hello to all,
    > I have this while with this condition:
    > dim nav as variant
    > roomvalue= CVErr(xlErrNA)
    > While IsError(roomvalue) 'while nav is error "this formula = n/A# ,
    > I do the formula
    > StrFormula2 = "Client(""CLIENT"", " & name & ", ""ROOM"", """ &
    > currentdate & """)"
    > roomvalue= Evaluate(StrFormula2)
    > currentdate = getpreviousday(currentdate)
    > Wend
    > But I have an error 2015 and I do not understand why? roomvalue is a
    > float number and I declared it as variant; could it be a problem
    > ina

  3. #3
    Tom Ogilvy

    RE: N/A # and error 2015

    I don't see why you are using evaluate. Evaluate is used to with formulas
    that your would place in a worksheet - see it as a virtual cell. If you have
    a Function named client, then just pass it the arguments and have it return
    the results.

    Dim roomvalue as Variant
    roomvalue= CVErr(xlErrNA)
    While IsError(roomvalue)
    roomvalue = Client("CLIENT", name , "ROOM",
    currentdate = getpreviousday(currentdate)

    Tom Ogilvy

    Tom Ogilvy

    "ina" wrote:

    > Hello to all,
    > I have this while with this condition:
    > dim nav as variant
    > roomvalue= CVErr(xlErrNA)
    > While IsError(roomvalue) 'while nav is error "this formula = n/A# ,
    > I do the formula
    > StrFormula2 = "Client(""CLIENT"", " & name & ", ""ROOM"", """ &
    > currentdate & """)"
    > roomvalue= Evaluate(StrFormula2)
    > currentdate = getpreviousday(currentdate)
    > Wend
    > But I have an error 2015 and I do not understand why? roomvalue is a
    > float number and I declared it as variant; could it be a problem
    > ina

  4. #4

    Re: N/A # and error 2015

    Thanks guys

    This is my code; this roomvalue does not work

    Function getroom(ByVal client As String) As Variant

    Dim beginofmonth As Date
    Dim endofmonth As Date
    Dim startdate As Date
    Dim currentdate As Date
    Dim todaydate As Date
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim size As Integer
    Dim roomvalue As Variant
    Dim var(1 To 1000, 1 To 6) As Variant
    Dim strFormula As String
    Dim StrFormula2 As String
    Dim rng_adrss As String
    Dim StrFormula3 As String

    todaydate = Date

    strFormula = "getfirstarrival(""ROOM"", """ & client & """)"
    startdate = Evaluate(strFormula)

    endofmonth = getendofmonth(startdate)

    Debug.Print startdate

    i = 0
    r = 1

    currentdate = endofmonth

    Debug.Print currentdate; endofmonth

    While DateDiff("m", currentdate, todaydate) > 0

    beginofmonth = getbeginofmonth(currentdate)

    roomvalue = Evaluate("na()")

    While IsError(roomvalue)

    StrFormula2 = "Client(""CLIENT"", " & Client& ", ""ROOM"", """
    & currentdate & """)"
    roomvalue = Evaluate(StrFormula2)
    currentdate = getpreviousday(currentdate)
    Debug.Print nav


    currentdate = getnextday(currentdate)

    If DateDiff("d", beginofmonth, currentdate) < 0 Then

    roomvalue = Evaluate("na()")
    currentdate = beginofmonth

    End If

    var(r, 1) = client
    var(r, 2) = currentdate

    var(r, 3) = roomvalue
    var(r, 4) = "ROOM"

    var(r, 5) = "vacation"

    var(r, 6) = "COMMENTS"

    r = r + 1

    currentdate = getnextendofmonth(currentdate)


    size = 6

    rng_adrss = selectRange(size, r)

    Debug.Print rng_adrss

    Range(rng_adrss) = var

    getroom = var

    End Function

    Function getendofmonth(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date

    getendofmonth = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate) +
    1, 0)

    End Function

    Function getbeginofmonth(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date

    getbeginofmonth = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate),

    End Function

    Function getnextendofmonth(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date

    currentdate = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate) + 1,

    getnextendofmonth = getendofmonth(currentdate)

    End Function

    Function getpreviousday(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date

    getpreviousday = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate),
    Day(currentdate) - 1)

    End Function

    Function getnextday(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date

    getnextday = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate),
    Day(currentdate) + 1)

    End Function

    Function ColRef2ColNo(ColRef As String) As String
    ColRef2ColNo = 0
    On Error Resume Next
    ColRef2ColNo = Range(ColRef & "1").Column
    End Function

    Function ColNo2ColRef(ColNo As Integer) As String
    If ColNo < 1 Or ColNo > 256 Then
    ColNo2ColRef = "#VALUE!"
    Exit Function
    End If
    ColNo2ColRef = Cells(1, ColNo).Address(True, False, xlA1)
    ColNo2ColRef = Left(ColNo2ColRef, InStr(1, ColNo2ColRef, "$") - 1)
    End Function

    Function selectRange(ByVal size As Integer, row As Integer) As String
    Dim i As Integer
    Dim r As Integer
    Dim arraysize As Integer
    Dim j As Integer
    Dim h As Integer
    Dim rowcell As String
    Dim newcolumn As String
    Dim addr1 As String
    Dim rng As Range

    arraysize = size
    r = row
    Debug.Print arraysize
    Dim addr As String
    addr = ActiveCell.Address

    j = ColRef2ColNo(addr)
    h = j + arraysize - 1
    newcolumn = ColNo2ColRef(h)

    Debug.Print newcolumn

    rowcell = ActiveCell.row
    arraysize = (CInt(rowcell)) + r - 2

    Set rng = Range(ActiveCell, newcolumn & arraysize)

    Debug.Print addr1
    addr1 = rng.Address

    Debug.Print addr1

    selectRange = addr1

    End Function


    I have a problem with only the roomvalue loop the others functions work
    fine; I do not know why?

  5. #5
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: N/A # and error 2015

    Since you haven't shown the function "CLIENT", there is little substantive
    addition to your original post.

    based on that, the advice has not changed.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "ina" wrote:

    > Thanks guys
    > This is my code; this roomvalue does not work
    > Function getroom(ByVal client As String) As Variant
    > Dim beginofmonth As Date
    > Dim endofmonth As Date
    > Dim startdate As Date
    > Dim currentdate As Date
    > Dim todaydate As Date
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim r As Integer
    > Dim size As Integer
    > Dim roomvalue As Variant
    > Dim var(1 To 1000, 1 To 6) As Variant
    > Dim strFormula As String
    > Dim StrFormula2 As String
    > Dim rng_adrss As String
    > Dim StrFormula3 As String
    > todaydate = Date
    > strFormula = "getfirstarrival(""ROOM"", """ & client & """)"
    > startdate = Evaluate(strFormula)
    > endofmonth = getendofmonth(startdate)
    > Debug.Print startdate
    > i = 0
    > r = 1
    > currentdate = endofmonth
    > Debug.Print currentdate; endofmonth
    > While DateDiff("m", currentdate, todaydate) > 0
    > beginofmonth = getbeginofmonth(currentdate)
    > roomvalue = Evaluate("na()")
    > While IsError(roomvalue)
    > StrFormula2 = "Client(""CLIENT"", " & Client& ", ""ROOM"", """
    > & currentdate & """)"
    > roomvalue = Evaluate(StrFormula2)
    > currentdate = getpreviousday(currentdate)
    > Debug.Print nav
    > Wend
    > currentdate = getnextday(currentdate)
    > If DateDiff("d", beginofmonth, currentdate) < 0 Then
    > roomvalue = Evaluate("na()")
    > currentdate = beginofmonth
    > End If
    > var(r, 1) = client
    > var(r, 2) = currentdate
    > var(r, 3) = roomvalue
    > var(r, 4) = "ROOM"
    > var(r, 5) = "vacation"
    > var(r, 6) = "COMMENTS"
    > r = r + 1
    > currentdate = getnextendofmonth(currentdate)
    > Wend
    > size = 6
    > rng_adrss = selectRange(size, r)
    > Debug.Print rng_adrss
    > Range(rng_adrss) = var
    > getroom = var
    > End Function
    > Function getendofmonth(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date
    > getendofmonth = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate) +
    > 1, 0)
    > End Function
    > Function getbeginofmonth(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date
    > getbeginofmonth = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate),
    > 1)
    > End Function
    > Function getnextendofmonth(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date
    > currentdate = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate) + 1,
    > 1)
    > getnextendofmonth = getendofmonth(currentdate)
    > End Function
    > Function getpreviousday(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date
    > getpreviousday = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate),
    > Day(currentdate) - 1)
    > End Function
    > Function getnextday(ByVal currentdate As Date) As Date
    > getnextday = DateSerial(Year(currentdate), Month(currentdate),
    > Day(currentdate) + 1)
    > End Function
    > Function ColRef2ColNo(ColRef As String) As String
    > ColRef2ColNo = 0
    > On Error Resume Next
    > ColRef2ColNo = Range(ColRef & "1").Column
    > End Function
    > Function ColNo2ColRef(ColNo As Integer) As String
    > If ColNo < 1 Or ColNo > 256 Then
    > ColNo2ColRef = "#VALUE!"
    > Exit Function
    > End If
    > ColNo2ColRef = Cells(1, ColNo).Address(True, False, xlA1)
    > ColNo2ColRef = Left(ColNo2ColRef, InStr(1, ColNo2ColRef, "$") - 1)
    > End Function
    > Function selectRange(ByVal size As Integer, row As Integer) As String
    > Dim i As Integer
    > Dim r As Integer
    > Dim arraysize As Integer
    > Dim j As Integer
    > Dim h As Integer
    > Dim rowcell As String
    > Dim newcolumn As String
    > Dim addr1 As String
    > Dim rng As Range
    > arraysize = size
    > r = row
    > Debug.Print arraysize
    > Dim addr As String
    > addr = ActiveCell.Address
    > j = ColRef2ColNo(addr)
    > h = j + arraysize - 1
    > newcolumn = ColNo2ColRef(h)
    > Debug.Print newcolumn
    > rowcell = ActiveCell.row
    > arraysize = (CInt(rowcell)) + r - 2
    > Set rng = Range(ActiveCell, newcolumn & arraysize)
    > Debug.Print addr1
    > addr1 = rng.Address
    > Debug.Print addr1
    > selectRange = addr1
    > End Function
    > ---Ina
    > I have a problem with only the roomvalue loop the others functions work
    > fine; I do not know why?

  6. #6

    Re: N/A # and error 2015

    ok thanks, unfornately I do not have the access to this function client
    because it is an addins provided to me I can not see the code, it is


  7. #7

    Re: N/A # and error 2015

    Ok, Thanks Unfornately i cannot have the access to this function client
    because it is an addins provided to me (it is come from a client
    product) and I cannot see the code because it is protected

  8. #8
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: N/A # and error 2015

    then you will have to ask the author why it returns a 2015 error or for what

    a 2015 is equivalent of #VALUE! in the worksheet.

    ? cvErr(xlerrValue)
    Error 2015

    I would get it working in a worksheet using identical arguments. Then make
    sure that is what you are passing to it in the Evaluate command with the VBA.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "ina" wrote:

    > Ok, Thanks Unfornately i cannot have the access to this function client
    > because it is an addins provided to me (it is come from a client
    > product) and I cannot see the code because it is protected

  9. #9

    Re: N/A # and error 2015

    Yes I will do ... I do not know why I have this error... I will ask


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