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  1. #1


    Using a loop what would be the correct way to copy a multiple range, create
    a new worksheet and paste it to as a link in another worksheet.

    i would like to select ranges d2:h66 and d74:h75 in sheet 1 and paste it as
    a link to the new sheet 2 .

    then i would like to select the next 2 ranges (i2:j66 and i74:j75) in
    worksheet 1 and paste them as a link to worksheet 2 in the next column,

    then loop back
    selecting ranges d2:h66 and d74:h75 ( this is a constant range used in all
    sheets) in sheet 1 and paste it as a link to a new sheet (sheet3) then select
    the next multiple range in worksheet1 and paste it to worksheet 3

    I would like to do this 28 times

    I had tried using union statements

    to select and join the ranges with r1 as first range and r2 second range r3
    as the union, but I don't know the correct syntax to refer to a range in a
    loop. and I could not then copy and paste r3 as a link to the other worksheet.

    i tried using

    but this is so wrong.

    please please please help.

    thank you in advance

  2. #2
    Forum Expert
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    Waikato, New Zealand
    MS-Off Ver
    2010 @ work & 2007 @ home
    Hi Paul,

    Have a look at http://www.j-walk.com/ss/excel/tips/tip36.htm for copying multiple selections.
    I haven't tested it but I'm guessing that this could be adapted to paste the links instead of the values by adding
    Dim PasteLinkRange As Range
    to the top of the macro & replacing the line
    "SelAreas(i).Copy PasteRange.Offset(RowOffset, ColOffset)"
    with the following lines:
    "SelAreas(i).Copy 'PasteRange.Offset(RowOffset, ColOffset)
    Set PasteLinkRange = PasteRange.Offset(RowOffset, ColOffset)
    ActiveSheet.Paste Link:=True"

    Maybe I'm misunderstanding but why don't you select the ranges as d2:j66 & d74:j75 (since the ranges aare side by side) rather than as below?...

    Quote Originally Posted by Paul
    i would like to select ranges d2:h66 and d74:h75 in sheet 1 and paste it as
    a link to the new sheet 2 .

    then i would like to select the next 2 ranges (i2:j66 and i74:j75) in
    worksheet 1 and paste them as a link to worksheet 2 in the next column,
    John's code should put you on the right track to looping through a list of ranges but if you have any problems just ask.

    Rob Brockett
    Always learning & the best way to learn is to experience...

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