My understanding from your description is that you have a formula in B23 and
you want that filled to the activecell.

Apparently that isn't what your situation is.

If you formula is in B3 and you want to fill to the activecell in column B
then you would do

Range("B3").Autofill Destination:=Range("B3",ActiveCell)

the range on the left is the anchor range and contains the formula. The
destination range must start with the anchor range and the last cell to be

Tom Ogilvy

<> wrote in message
> Tom it actually turns out that the macro script you gave me is doing
> the autofill correctly but its not taking in my target range from CELL
> B23. I tried to make sense of the VB Code...what part am I missing?
> PART OF CODE My Understanding (?)
> ------------------- -------------------------
> Range("B23"). Goto this Cell
> AutoFill Destination: Fill to contents of cell
> =Range("B23", STOP FILL
> ActiveCell) Cell B3?
> I'm sorry that was the only way I could get clarification to the code
> you displayed. I know the code isn't pulling in my target range because
> if I delete cell B23 on the spreadsheet it still will fill in the
> information... I plan on having the same macro fill in more information
> in other columns but seeing as how items might be added / removed this
> will eventually cause a problem because its only filing up to 23
> rows...once again thank you for your wisdom, I been trying to figure
> this out my self the last few days and as always its a really small
> code to do such a big thing. =)