Tom it actually turns out that the macro script you gave me is doing
the autofill correctly but its not taking in my target range from CELL
B23. I tried to make sense of the VB Code...what part am I missing?

PART OF CODE My Understanding (?)
------------------- -------------------------
Range("B23"). Goto this Cell

AutoFill Destination: Fill to contents of cell

=Range("B23", STOP FILL

ActiveCell) Cell B3?

I'm sorry that was the only way I could get clarification to the code
you displayed. I know the code isn't pulling in my target range because
if I delete cell B23 on the spreadsheet it still will fill in the
information... I plan on having the same macro fill in more information
in other columns but seeing as how items might be added / removed this
will eventually cause a problem because its only filing up to 23
rows...once again thank you for your wisdom, I been trying to figure
this out my self the last few days and as always its a really small
code to do such a big thing. =)