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Loop through ".DAT" files, open run code, close next

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  1. #1
    Les Stout

    Loop through ".DAT" files, open run code, close next

    Hi all,

    I have a folder called downloads which contains a number of .DAT files
    and i need to loop through them one by one, open them, run some code
    which will close it on completion of the code then open the next one
    until i have processed all files in the folder. When i have processed
    the file i put a "d" at the end of the file name.e.g.
    IRSQM_010306.DAT before and IRSQM_010306_d.DAT after.

    Is this at all possible ? if so some help with some code would be

    Thanks in advance

    Les Stout

    *** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

  2. #2
    Andrew Taylor

    Re: Loop through ".DAT" files, open run code, close next

    Something like this should do it (untested):

    Sub ProcessFiles
    Dim strFile as string, strNewName as string
    Dim strPath as string, wb as workbook
    strPath = "C:\<whatever>\downloads\"
    strFile = dir (strPath & "*.dat")
    do until strFile = ""
    set wb = workbooks.open (strPath & strFile)

    ' your code here

    wb.close savechanges:=true
    ' previous line not needed if your code closes the file

    strNewName = left(strFile, len(strfile)-4) & "_d.dat"
    Name strPath & strFile as strPath & strNewName

    strFile = Dir () ' get next file name
    End Sub


    Les Stout wrote:
    > Hi all,
    > I have a folder called downloads which contains a number of .DAT files
    > and i need to loop through them one by one, open them, run some code
    > which will close it on completion of the code then open the next one
    > until i have processed all files in the folder. When i have processed
    > the file i put a "d" at the end of the file name.e.g.
    > IRSQM_010306.DAT before and IRSQM_010306_d.DAT after.
    > Is this at all possible ? if so some help with some code would be
    > appreciated.
    > Thanks in advance
    > Les Stout
    > *** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

  3. #3
    Andrew Taylor

    Re: Loop through ".DAT" files, open run code, close next

    Just to clarify: my code assumes the .DAT files can
    be opened as Excel workbooks. If this is not the
    case then you can use the VBA file-handling
    functionality, e.g.

    dim strData as string
    Open strPath & strFile for input as #1
    strData =input (LOF(1),#1)
    Close #1
    '' process data
    Open strPath & strFile for output as #1
    Print #1, strData
    Close #1

    Andrew Taylor wrote:
    > Something like this should do it (untested):
    > Sub ProcessFiles
    > Dim strFile as string, strNewName as string
    > Dim strPath as string, wb as workbook
    > strPath = "C:\<whatever>\downloads\"
    > strFile = dir (strPath & "*.dat")
    > do until strFile = ""
    > set wb = workbooks.open (strPath & strFile)
    > ' your code here
    > wb.close savechanges:=true
    > ' previous line not needed if your code closes the file
    > strNewName = left(strFile, len(strfile)-4) & "_d.dat"
    > Name strPath & strFile as strPath & strNewName
    > strFile = Dir () ' get next file name
    > Loop
    > End Sub
    > HTH
    > Andrew
    > Les Stout wrote:
    > > Hi all,
    > >
    > > I have a folder called downloads which contains a number of .DAT files
    > > and i need to loop through them one by one, open them, run some code
    > > which will close it on completion of the code then open the next one
    > > until i have processed all files in the folder. When i have processed
    > > the file i put a "d" at the end of the file name.e.g.
    > > IRSQM_010306.DAT before and IRSQM_010306_d.DAT after.
    > >
    > > Is this at all possible ? if so some help with some code would be
    > > appreciated.
    > >
    > > Thanks in advance
    > >
    > > Les Stout
    > >
    > > *** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

  4. #4
    Les Stout

    Re: Loop through ".DAT" files, open run code, close next

    Thanks for the code and advice Andrew, will give it a bash and let you

    best regards,

    Les Stout

    *** Sent via Developersdex http://www.developersdex.com ***

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