On Tue, 18 Apr 2006 09:24:02 -0700, Therese <Therese@discussions.microsoft.com>
>I have a cell with a sentence in text and numbers in between. Is there a
>formular so that if I write the formular in B1, it will give me all the
>numbers or give me only the text og A1 ?
Another option would be to download and install Longre's free morefunc.xll
add-in from http://xcell05.free.fr/.
This can be distributed freely with your workbook.
You can then use the regular expression formulas:
=REGEX.SUBSTITUTE(A1,"\D") to extract the numbers and
=REGEX.SUBSTITUTE(A1,"\d") to extract everything that is not a number.
This will work unless your sentence has more than 255 characters. If it does,
similar solutions using VBA regular expressions can be devised.