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Help: Import text > transpose > append to new worksheet

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  1. #1

    Help: Import text > transpose > append to new worksheet

    Help! I've just been given a project with a very short deadline,
    because the original folks are no longer involved, and am a newbie at
    VBA. Pointers are greatly appreciated.

    I have thousands of individual e-mail text files containing survey data
    (from an online survey form). I need to pull all of this data into a
    spreadsheet so we can do some basic analysis. I can pull the data in
    manually, but that will exceed both the timeline and budget for this

    I think I need to create a VBA script to import a text file then
    transpose the data from a column format to a row format then append
    that data to another worksheet containing all the records. Then do that
    again with the remaining thousands of files. There may be a cleaner

    Sorry to be a complete idiot at this point -- trying to get my head
    wrapped around VBA even as I type.

    Thanks! Trish

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    RE: Help: Import text > transpose > append to new worksheet

    Assuming the text files are all in a single directory named "C:\MyTextFiles"
    and have .txt as an extension (alter to suit):

    Sub Processfiles()
    Dim sname as String, bk as Workbook
    Dim rng1 as Range, rng2 as Range
    sname = dir("C:\MyTextfiles\*.txt")
    do while sname <> ""
    set bk = workbooks.open(sName)
    with bk.worksheets(1)
    set rng1 = .range(.cells(1,1),.cells(rows.count,1).End(xlup))
    end with
    set rng2 = Workbooks("MasterList.xls").worksheets(1) _
    rng2.pastespecial xlValues, Transpose:=True
    bk.close Savechanges:=False
    sName = dir
    End Sub

    should get you started.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "javamom" wrote:

    > Help! I've just been given a project with a very short deadline,
    > because the original folks are no longer involved, and am a newbie at
    > VBA. Pointers are greatly appreciated.
    > I have thousands of individual e-mail text files containing survey data
    > (from an online survey form). I need to pull all of this data into a
    > spreadsheet so we can do some basic analysis. I can pull the data in
    > manually, but that will exceed both the timeline and budget for this
    > project.
    > I think I need to create a VBA script to import a text file then
    > transpose the data from a column format to a row format then append
    > that data to another worksheet containing all the records. Then do that
    > again with the remaining thousands of files. There may be a cleaner
    > approach.
    > Sorry to be a complete idiot at this point -- trying to get my head
    > wrapped around VBA even as I type.
    > Thanks! Trish

  3. #3

    Re: Help: Import text > transpose > append to new worksheet

    Thanks Tom! I will try this out and report back. Trish

  4. #4

    Re: Help: Import text > transpose > append to new worksheet

    This seems to be working well. Thanks!

    One more question: I need to indicate a semicolon as a delimiter. I've
    been looking at examples using sep but am not quite sure how to
    incorporate that into the above script.

    Thanks again! Trish

  5. #5

    Re: Help: Import text > transpose > append to new worksheet

    My attempt to recognize the semicolon delimiter upon opening the text
    files is not going well. I thought I had something close to working,
    but apparently not. Here is where I stand now:

    Sub Processfiles()
    Dim sname As String, bk As Workbook
    Dim rng1 As Range, rng2 As Range
    sname = Dir("C:\MyTextFiles\*.*")
    Do While sname <> ""

    Workbooks.OpenText _
    Filename:=sname, Origin:=xlWindows, StartRow:=1, DataType:=xlDelimited,
    TextQualifier _
    :=xlDoubleQuote, ConsecutiveDelimiter:=False, Tab:=False, Semicolon:= _
    True, Comma:=False, Space:=False, Other:=False, FieldInfo:=Array(1, 1)

    Set bk = ActiveWorkbook

    With bk.Worksheets(1)
    Set rng1 = .Range(.Cells(1, 1), .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp))
    End With
    Set rng2 = Workbooks("MasterList.xls").Worksheets(1) _
    .Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0)
    rng2.PasteSpecial xlValues, Transpose:=True
    bk.Close Savechanges:=False
    sname = Dir
    End Sub

    Apologies if I've really butchered this! Trying to understand. Really
    fuzzy still on when to use workbooks.open or workbooks.opentext. Any
    help is greatly appreciated.

    Thanks! Trish

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