Thanks Tim!

This Works PERFECT!!!!

Tim Williams <timjwilliams at gmail dot com> wrote:

: Function GetSource(sURL) As String

: Dim xmlhttp As Object
: Set xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

: onerror goto haveError

: xmlhttp.Open "GET", sURL, False
: xmlhttp.send
: GetSource = xmlhttp.responseText
: Exit Function
: haveError:
: GetSource = "Error: " & Err.Description
: End Function

: Sub test()
: MsgBox GetSource("")
: End Sub

: Tim

: "Joey Lichtenstein" <> wrote in message
: news:e1sdl1$sbc$
:> I know how to do the basic:
:> open "c:\file.txt" for Input As #1
:> is it possible to open a web site for text input, and read the html code
:> as text into VBA? What would the format for the filename be?
:> Thanks so much in advance!
:> Joey