Dear friends,

I have a problem with macro's I use in a network environment. If too many people are linking to the same file at the same time, the workbook is getting damaged, leaving only text, and one time I couldn't even open it again with excel.
The workbooks aren't very big; they are used as registration lists for trainings, with macro's that select the first empty cell if the lists are very long, that gives an inputbox if someone forgets to fill in some data and a macro that locks the cells with data in, so people can't overwrite or delete registrations.
I disable 'tools' from the menubar so people can't unlock the sheets or look for the password themselves.

If the book is opened readonly, I give a messagebox and make it close immediately, without saving.

Usually the employees receive an e-mail with information about the training and a link to the file(s). Registrations are between 20 and 700 per training,
depending on the target group. The files for little groups, with registrations spread over a longer period of time, cause no problems.

What could be the reason the books are getting damaged if the target group is very large?

Best regards,