I have three option buttons, and pending on which one is selected, I need to
update three related cells with the appropriate formula. I have this
currently, but its not working properly:

Worksheets("S1").Range("C3").Value = "=IF(South!G16 = "", "", South!G16)"
Worksheets("S1").Range("C5").Value = "=IF(MidWest!G16 = "", "", MidWest!G16)"
Worksheets("S1").Range("C7").Value = "=IF(West!G16 = "", "", West!G16)"

This results in the formula in the cell ending up like this:
=IF(South!G16 = ", ", South!G16)
=IF(MidWest!G16 = ", ", MidWest!G16)
=IF(West!G16 = ", ", West!G16)

I WANT the result to be this:
=IF(South!G16 = "", "", South!G16)
=IF(MidWest!G16 = "", "", MidWest!G16)
=IF(West!G16 = "", "", West!G16)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Dawg House Inc.
"We live in it, therefore, we know it!"