Hi Darrall
Regards Ron de Bruin
"Darrell Lankford" <darrelll@earl-ind.com> wrote in message news:1144428302.030402.133050@g10g2000cwb.googlegroups.com...
> I'm having a problem with my code putting both the email text and the
> signature in an Outlook email. If I change any of the .Body, .Display,
> or objsigMail it either puts in the text and not the signature, the
> signature and not the text, or opens 2 separate emails with one of
> each. If anyone can tell be how to fix it so both the message and the
> signature will go into the Body of the email, it would be greatly
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Darrell
> Sub email()
> Dim objOL As New Outlook.Application
> Dim objMail As MailItem
> Set objOL = New Outlook.Application
> Set objMail = objOL.CreateItem(olMailItem)
> Dim msg As String
> Set objsigMail = objOL.CreateItem(olMailItem)
> MTL_1 = Range("Material_List_1").Value
> MTL_2 = Range("Material_List_2").Value
> MTL_3 = Range("Material_List_3").Value
> MTL_4 = Range("Material_List_4").Value
> MTL_5 = Range("Material_List_5").Value
> MTL_6 = Range("Material_List_6").Value
> MTL_7 = Range("Material_List_7").Value
> MTL_8 = Range("Material_List_8").Value
> MTL_9 = Range("Material_List_9").Value
> MTL_10 = Range("Material_List_10").Value
> SUBJ = Range("Subject").Value
> msg = "Lester," & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & "I need a quote or cost point print out for the following:"
> & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & "Thanks," & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & " Darrell" & Chr(13) & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_1 & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_2 & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_3 & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_4 & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_5 & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_6 & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_7 & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_8 & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_9 & Chr(13)
> msg = msg & MTL_10 & Chr(13)
> addee = "LesterM@Company.com"
> CC = "JAndrews@ Company.com;BarryA@ Company.com"
> With objMail
> objsigMail.To = addee
> objsigMail.CC = CC
> objsigMail.BCC = ""
> objsigMail.Subject = SUBJ
> .Body = msg & objsigMail.Display
> End With
> Set objMail = Nothing
> Set objOL = Nothing
> End Sub