
I've done a lot of searching and things have been helpful but i can't quite seem to tweak the VBA code to do exactly what i want.

I want to delete every row in my worksheet that contains no data; blank cell. I'd like to do this for column B as it will take care of my needs for the entire sheet.

I found this code on the net and it works great BUT it stops and doesn't keep going to the end of the work sheet. Is there a way i can get the code shown below to go through a range of like B12:B20000?

Here is the code, thanks:

With ActiveSheet
LastRw = .Cells(Rows.Count, "b").End(xlUp).Row
Set Rng1 = .Range(Cells(1, "b"), Cells(LastRw, "b"))
End With
With Rng1
End With