I am tring to apply this code which should locate and apply 2 rows below the last entry in the worksheet. I am getting an error in the colored command and can't figuire out why. can someone help please?

Sub test() 
Dim LastR As Range, rng As Range 
Set LastR = Range("c" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp) 
Set LastR = LastR.Offset(, -2) 
Set rng = Union(LastR.Offset(2).Resize(2, 2), LastR.Offset(2, 2).Resize(2, 2), _ 
                LastR.Offset(2, 4).Resize(2, 2), LastR.Offset(2, 6).Resize(2, 2)) 
rng.Borders.Weight = xlThick 
rng.Offset(3).Borders.Weight = xlThick 
With LastR.Offset(2) 
    .Value = "TOTAL CUSTOMERS" 
    .Font.Bold = True 
    .HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter 
    .VerticalAlignment = xlBottom 
    .Offset(, 2).Value = "TOTAL $95.00" 
    .Offset(, 4).Value = "TOTAL $145.00" 
    .Offset(, 6).Value = "FREE SERVICE" 
    .Offset(3, 2).Value = "PERCENT $95.00 CALLS" 
    .Offset(3, 4).Value = "PERCENT $145.00 CALLS" 
    .Offset(3, 6).Value = "PERCENT FREE" 
End With 
Set rng = Nothing 
End Sub