Sorry it is not possible to send objects/pictures with my code
Regards Ron de Bruin
"rrmando" <> wrote in message
> Hello again. I have been trying to get
> .HTMLBody = SheetToHTML(Sheet1) & SheetToHTML(Sheet2)
> to work, but have been unsuccessful. I think I know why. The second
> sheet is a Word document that I am inserting via:
> Sub Add_Word_Document()
> Application.ScreenUpdating = False
> Dim MyFile
> Sheets.Add After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
> With ActiveWindow
> .DisplayGridlines = False
> .DisplayHeadings = False
> .DisplayOutline = False
> .DisplayZeros = False
> End With
> MyFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(FilterIndex:=5, Title:="Select
> the file that you would like to add")
> ActiveSheet.OLEObjects.Add(Filename:=(MyFile), Link:=False,
> DisplayAsIcon:=False).Select
> MyFile = Left(MyFile, Len(MyFile) - 4)
> MyFile = Right(MyFile, Len(MyFile) - Len((Left(MyFile,
> InStrRev(MyFile, "\")))))
> ActiveSheet.Name = "Quote"
> Range("A1").Select
> Application.ScreenUpdating = True
> End Sub
> Any way to make the second sheet copy in the body of the email as well?
> Thanks.