I'm having a problem with the following function. For some reason, the function returns before the first MsgBox call. It succesfully deletes the column, but it exits right after. Any help?
Sub main()
Dim numRates As Integer
Dim numDates As Integer

Const RateOffset As Integer = 5
Const DateOffset As Integer = 3

Dim columns As Range
Dim ratesRange As Range

numRates = Range("IntTimeSeriesRates").Value
numDates = Range("IntTimeSeriesDates").Value

Set columns = Range(Cells(RateOffset, DateOffset + numDates - 1), Cells(RateOffset + numDates, DateOffset + numDates - 1))

MsgBox "Hello1"
Set columns = Range(Cells(RateOffset, DateOffset), Cells(RateOffset + numRates, DateOffset))
columns.Insert shift:=xlToRight

MsgBox "Hello2"
End Sub