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Change a comma separated text file and save it

  1. #1

    Change a comma separated text file and save it

    Hello All,

    I need some help on comma separated text files, changing them and
    saving them.

    I have got two text files.

    The first file "ES_EF_AIG_20141440_105708_d.txt" has employee payment
    record exactly like below:
    "C0000000519","","","MR STEPHEN AGUTTER","10 COLCOKES

    The main fields in this record for me are:
    1st field - "C0000000519"
    54th field - 00025000
    55th field - 00000850000
    56th field - 034

    The second file "ES_FE_AIG_20143416_142901_d.txt" is a payment file
    with record exactly like below:
    250.00"," 0.00","","","","","CONTRIBSYS","

    Once again the main fields in this record for me are:
    1st field - ("C0000000519")
    50th field - " 250.00"

    My task is to open the first file and, if there is a corresponding
    record in the second file, then update the first file by removing one
    payment and decrementing the total no. of payments by 1. In the above
    example I want to basically change the 55th and 56th fields to
    00000825000 and 033 respectively and save the file in the same format
    (that is a csv text file).

    I worked manually for the last two days on 60 files that are small
    (with upto 20 records). Now there are exactly 60 files that have around
    1000 records each.

    Can someone please guide me in writing a code or please supply code for
    the above. I tried opening both these files from Excel and then I am
    haqving problems while saving them. I cannot tamper with the format of
    the files as they need to be uploaded onto my system.

    I hope I have explained the problem. The solution might be simple but I
    am not getting it. Moreover I don't want to mess up the data. Therefore
    please someone help me.

    Hoping to get an early reply.

    Thanks & Regards,

  2. #2

    RE: Change a comma separated text file and save it

    Hi Prasad

    Perhaps someone else will have time to work out some code for you but I
    think I'd need to be there to get this one straight (I'm just down the road
    in Dorking but rather busy on another project right now!).
    If you haven't done macros before, this is a rather complicated problem to
    start with. However, here's the best I can do as a potted lesson and please
    forgive me if I've misread your knowledge of VBA...

    First bit of advice: make sure you make backup copies of all your text files.
    I find the best way to approach this kind of problem is to:
    1. Identify the steps that you need to do for one record and jot them down
    on a piece of paper to get them straight in your mind.
    2. Practice running through these steps.
    3. ChooseTools, Macro, Record New Macro (make sure you save the macro to
    your Personal Macro Workbook so that you don't lose it - you may want to
    close a data file without saving it).
    4. Go through the steps (as in point 2) and, when you have finished, click
    on Tools, Macro, Stop Recording.
    5. Close out of Excel, saying Yes to saving Personal.xls but no to the data
    files: you now need to see if the macro works.
    6. Go back into Excel and choose Tools, Macro, [your macro], Run to run the
    macro from the same starting position as in point 4 - if it works, try it for
    another record.
    7. Almost invariably there's some sort of problem so try running it again
    from the same starting position, this time using Tools, Macro, [your macro],
    Step Into.

    You can now use the F8 key to step line by line through your code - make the
    window smaller so you can see the workbook at the same time. This is really
    helpful to try and spot what needs changing in the code.

    Best I can do for now and apologies if you're a VBA-whiz and I've just told
    you a lot of unnecessarily simple stuff!

    "BristolBloos" wrote:

    > Hello All,
    > I need some help on comma separated text files, changing them and
    > saving them.
    > I have got two text files.
    > The first file "ES_EF_AIG_20141440_105708_d.txt" has employee payment
    > record exactly like below:
    > "C0000000519","","","MR STEPHEN AGUTTER","10 COLCOKES
    > ROAD","BANSTEAD","SURREY","","","","","","SM7
    > 2EW","MAL","AGUTTER","NS686159A","0000153363","CDN","E","EMPLOYEE","29/10/2001","","","","","","","","","AIG
    > EXECUTIVE","","","","","","","","EEE","","GBR","GBR","","","SSS","23B","20030601ES","01/06/2003","01/06/2006",355,+00000942525,0026550000,0000002108,00025000,00000850000,034,000,0,0,0,,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",0026550000,"",,,""
    > The main fields in this record for me are:
    > 1st field - "C0000000519"
    > 54th field - 00025000
    > 55th field - 00000850000
    > 56th field - 034
    > The second file "ES_FE_AIG_20143416_142901_d.txt" is a payment file
    > with record exactly like below:
    > "C0000000519","","","NS686159A","0000153363","CDN","E","EMPLOYEE","29/10/2001","","","","","","","","AIG
    > EXECUTIVE","","","","","","","","EEE","","GBR","GBR","","","SSS","23B","20030601ES","01/06/2003","01/06/2006",0000002108,"
    > 250.00","
    > 8500.00",034,000,1208,10185844,"T",00001,"01/03/2006","ESPAY",001,034,"
    > 250.00"," 0.00","","","","","CONTRIBSYS","
    > 0.00000000",""
    > Once again the main fields in this record for me are:
    > 1st field - ("C0000000519")
    > 50th field - " 250.00"
    > My task is to open the first file and, if there is a corresponding
    > record in the second file, then update the first file by removing one
    > payment and decrementing the total no. of payments by 1. In the above
    > example I want to basically change the 55th and 56th fields to
    > 00000825000 and 033 respectively and save the file in the same format
    > (that is a csv text file).
    > I worked manually for the last two days on 60 files that are small
    > (with upto 20 records). Now there are exactly 60 files that have around
    > 1000 records each.
    > Can someone please guide me in writing a code or please supply code for
    > the above. I tried opening both these files from Excel and then I am
    > haqving problems while saving them. I cannot tamper with the format of
    > the files as they need to be uploaded onto my system.
    > I hope I have explained the problem. The solution might be simple but I
    > am not getting it. Moreover I don't want to mess up the data. Therefore
    > please someone help me.
    > Hoping to get an early reply.
    > Thanks & Regards,
    > Prasad

  3. #3
    Tom Ogilvy

    RE: Change a comma separated text file and save it

    this worked for me with the test data you supplied:

    copy your files to a test directory and test it on these copies of your files:

    Sub ReadStraightTextFile()
    Dim sStr As String
    Dim LineofText As String
    Dim rw As Long, pay As Double
    Dim v As Variant, s As String
    Dim v1() As Variant
    Dim v2() As Variant
    Dim lPmt As Long, tot As Double
    Dim i As Long, j As Long
    ReDim v1(1 To 1)
    ReDim v2(1 To 1)
    Open "C:\MYFILES\ES_EF_AIG_20141440_105708_d.txt" _
    For Input As #1
    Do While Not EOF(1)
    Line Input #1, LineofText
    v = Split(LineofText, ",")
    v1(UBound(v1)) = v
    ReDim Preserve v1(1 To UBound(v1) + 1)
    'Close the file

    Close #1
    ReDim Preserve v1(1 To UBound(v1) - 1)

    Open "C:\MYFILES\ES_FE_AIG_20143416_142901_d.txt" _
    For Input As #1
    Do While Not EOF(1)
    Line Input #1, LineofText
    v = Split(LineofText, ",")
    v2(UBound(v2)) = v
    ReDim Preserve v2(1 To UBound(v2) + 1)
    'Close the file

    Close #1
    ReDim Preserve v2(1 To UBound(v2) - 1)

    For i = LBound(v1) To UBound(v1)
    For j = LBound(v2) To UBound(v2)
    Debug.Print v1(i)(0), v2(j)(0)
    If v1(i)(0) = v2(j)(0) Then
    s = v2(j)(49)
    s = Replace(s, """", "")
    If Abs(CDbl(s) - _
    CDbl(v1(i)(53) / 100#)) < 0.0001 Then
    tot = CDbl(v1(i)(54) / 100#)
    pay = CDbl(s)
    lPmt = CLng(v1(i)(55))
    lPmt = lPmt - 1
    tot = tot - pay
    Debug.Print tot, pay, lPmt
    v1(i)(54) = Format(Application.Round(tot * 100#, 0), "00000000000")
    v1(i)(55) = Format(lPmt, "000")
    MsgBox "Payment Mismatch - stop processing"
    Exit Sub
    End If
    End If
    Next j
    Next i

    Open "C:\MYFILES\ES_EF_AIG_20141440_105708_d.txt" _
    For Output As #1
    For i = LBound(v1) To UBound(v1)
    v = v1(i)
    sStr = Join(v, ",")
    Print #1, sStr
    Next i
    'Close the file

    Close #1

    End Sub

    Tom Ogilvy

    "BristolBloos" wrote:

    > Hello All,
    > I need some help on comma separated text files, changing them and
    > saving them.
    > I have got two text files.
    > The first file "ES_EF_AIG_20141440_105708_d.txt" has employee payment
    > record exactly like below:
    > "C0000000519","","","MR STEPHEN AGUTTER","10 COLCOKES
    > ROAD","BANSTEAD","SURREY","","","","","","SM7
    > 2EW","MAL","AGUTTER","NS686159A","0000153363","CDN","E","EMPLOYEE","29/10/2001","","","","","","","","","AIG
    > EXECUTIVE","","","","","","","","EEE","","GBR","GBR","","","SSS","23B","20030601ES","01/06/2003","01/06/2006",355,+00000942525,0026550000,0000002108,00025000,00000850000,034,000,0,0,0,,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",,"",0026550000,"",,,""
    > The main fields in this record for me are:
    > 1st field - "C0000000519"
    > 54th field - 00025000
    > 55th field - 00000850000
    > 56th field - 034
    > The second file "ES_FE_AIG_20143416_142901_d.txt" is a payment file
    > with record exactly like below:
    > "C0000000519","","","NS686159A","0000153363","CDN","E","EMPLOYEE","29/10/2001","","","","","","","","AIG
    > EXECUTIVE","","","","","","","","EEE","","GBR","GBR","","","SSS","23B","20030601ES","01/06/2003","01/06/2006",0000002108,"
    > 250.00","
    > 8500.00",034,000,1208,10185844,"T",00001,"01/03/2006","ESPAY",001,034,"
    > 250.00"," 0.00","","","","","CONTRIBSYS","
    > 0.00000000",""
    > Once again the main fields in this record for me are:
    > 1st field - ("C0000000519")
    > 50th field - " 250.00"
    > My task is to open the first file and, if there is a corresponding
    > record in the second file, then update the first file by removing one
    > payment and decrementing the total no. of payments by 1. In the above
    > example I want to basically change the 55th and 56th fields to
    > 00000825000 and 033 respectively and save the file in the same format
    > (that is a csv text file).
    > I worked manually for the last two days on 60 files that are small
    > (with upto 20 records). Now there are exactly 60 files that have around
    > 1000 records each.
    > Can someone please guide me in writing a code or please supply code for
    > the above. I tried opening both these files from Excel and then I am
    > haqving problems while saving them. I cannot tamper with the format of
    > the files as they need to be uploaded onto my system.
    > I hope I have explained the problem. The solution might be simple but I
    > am not getting it. Moreover I don't want to mess up the data. Therefore
    > please someone help me.
    > Hoping to get an early reply.
    > Thanks & Regards,
    > Prasad

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