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Loop Difficulty

  1. #1

    Loop Difficulty

    I have this code, where upon in B1 and C1 are numbers entered such as
    1, 1
    Line code:
    ---> Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Sheet1.Range("B1").Value + 1
    increases 1,1 to 2,1 to 3,1 .. etc. which is OK
    However, This Line of Code stays static and does not increase
    ----> Range("AQ3").Value = Count

    Question is how can "AQ3" increase as "B1" increases? So 2,1 would be
    and 3,1 would be "AQ5" .. etc.
    Sub GetCountNow()
    Dim No1 As Single
    Dim No2 As Single
    Dim NumberOfRows As Single
    Dim RowRange As Range
    Dim Count As Single
    Dim Counter As Integer
    No1 = [B1]
    No2 = [C1]
    NumberOfRows = Range("B3", Range("B" & Rows.Count). _
    Count = 0
    Set RowRange = Range("B3", "AN3")
    For Counter = 1 To NumberOfRows
    If Not (RowRange.Find(What:=No1, LookAt:=xlWhole) Is Nothing) =
    True And _
    Not (RowRange.Find(What:=No2, LookAt:=xlWhole) Is Nothing)
    = True Then _
    Count = Count + 1
    Set RowRange = RowRange.Offset(1)
    Range("AQ3").Value = Count
    Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Sheet1.Range("B1").Value + 1

    End Sub

  2. #2
    Doug Glancy

    Re: Loop Difficulty


    I'm not sure, but it might help to qualify all your ranges, like you did
    with some, e.g.:

    Sheet1.Range("AQ3").Value = Count



    "smandula" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    >I have this code, where upon in B1 and C1 are numbers entered such as
    > 1, 1
    > Line code:
    > ---> Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Sheet1.Range("B1").Value + 1
    > increases 1,1 to 2,1 to 3,1 .. etc. which is OK
    > However, This Line of Code stays static and does not increase
    > ----> Range("AQ3").Value = Count
    > Question is how can "AQ3" increase as "B1" increases? So 2,1 would be
    > "AQ4",
    > and 3,1 would be "AQ5" .. etc.
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------
    > Code
    > Sub GetCountNow()
    > Dim No1 As Single
    > Dim No2 As Single
    > Dim NumberOfRows As Single
    > Dim RowRange As Range
    > Dim Count As Single
    > Dim Counter As Integer
    > No1 = [B1]
    > No2 = [C1]
    > NumberOfRows = Range("B3", Range("B" & Rows.Count). _
    > End(xlUp).Address).Rows.Count
    > Count = 0
    > Set RowRange = Range("B3", "AN3")
    > For Counter = 1 To NumberOfRows
    > If Not (RowRange.Find(What:=No1, LookAt:=xlWhole) Is Nothing) =
    > True And _
    > Not (RowRange.Find(What:=No2, LookAt:=xlWhole) Is Nothing)
    > = True Then _
    > Count = Count + 1
    > Set RowRange = RowRange.Offset(1)
    > Next
    > Range("AQ3").Value = Count
    > Sheet1.Range("B1").Value = Sheet1.Range("B1").Value + 1
    > End Sub

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