I need to have the following basic interaction with different pieces of data,
and am hoping to not have to go the Access route:
1) several reps that input data onto a pretty simple sheet, where they are
taking customer order data, and then "logging" that order onto a running list
(small macro to take the line that has the data they enter, and put it into
the list below, expanding the named range of the list).
2) the running list from each of the rep sheets then goes into a
consolidated list of all orders
3) that consolidated list updates to other folks, who perform steps along
the process of that order
Catch is that the consolidated order sheet will be diffcult to have running
all the time. Therefore I'm stuck trying to figure out how to get
information pushed into that sheet, so that the folks that need to draw from
that list to fill their own task lists have an updated file from which to
update (hope that makes sense...central file pulls from the reps, and
individual process folks pull from central). If it were always open, it
could just automatically update from the rep files. But if it's closed, the
end-process folks can choose updates when opening their file, but is it
possible to get the central file to open itself and update from the rep files?
Would greatly appreciate any creative suggestions. Thx.