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Converting data to tally format

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Converting data to tally format

    I couldn't think of a better header, sorry. Anyway, I have data that comes in like this (via a plain text file):
    1-Jan-06	Exploit.W32.MS05-039
    1-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Auction-28
    1-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    1-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    1-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    1-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-209
    1-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-28
    1-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    1-Jan-06	W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    1-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    1-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    1-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    1-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-206
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-25
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-37
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-43
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    2-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    2-Jan-06	W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    2-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    2-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    2-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    2-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    3-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Auction-28
    3-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Auction-28
    3-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Auction-28
    3-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    3-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    3-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Bank-28
    3-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-34
    3-Jan-06	HTML.Phishing.Pay-37
    3-Jan-06	W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    3-Jan-06	W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    3-Jan-06	W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    3-Jan-06	W32/Netsky.p@MM
    3-Jan-06	W32/Netsky.p@MM
    3-Jan-06	W32/Netsky.p@MM
    3-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    3-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    3-Jan-06	Worm.Sober.U-3
    And what I'd like to accomplish is a sheet that looks like the attached example, which reflects the month of February (as opposed to the above data which is from January.) Basically a listing of how many of whatever virus came in on any particular day.

    Any suggestions?
    Attached Images Attached Images

  2. #2
    Tom Ogilvy

    Re: Converting data to tally format

    if the data is all in one column, then select the column and do Data=>Text
    to columns, select delimited and space s the delimiter.

    this should put the data in two columns.

    Insert a row at the top and put in header


    then select the Data=>Pivot Table Report

    when you to the dialog with Layout, put VIRUS as a row field by dragging the
    Virus button to the row area. Also drag it to the data area an it should
    default to count. Drag Date to the Column Area

    Not OK the pivot table.

    the date will probably be vertically oriented. Select the DATA button at
    the top with the mouse and drag slightly to the right and release. They
    should reorient to a horizontal orientation.

    Tom Ogilvy

    "AMK4" <AMK4.24xmcn_1142797204.0855@excelforum-nospam.com> wrote in message
    > I couldn't think of a better header, sorry. Anyway, I have data that
    > comes in like this (via a plain text file):
    > Code:
    > --------------------
    > 1-Jan-06 Exploit.W32.MS05-039
    > 1-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Auction-28
    > 1-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    > 1-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    > 1-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    > 1-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-209
    > 1-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-28
    > 1-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    > 1-Jan-06 W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    > 1-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 1-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 1-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 1-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-206
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-25
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-37
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-43
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    > 2-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-6
    > 2-Jan-06 W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    > 2-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 2-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 2-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 2-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 3-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Auction-28
    > 3-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Auction-28
    > 3-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Auction-28
    > 3-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    > 3-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-1
    > 3-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Bank-28
    > 3-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-34
    > 3-Jan-06 HTML.Phishing.Pay-37
    > 3-Jan-06 W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    > 3-Jan-06 W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    > 3-Jan-06 W32/Bagle.ai@MM
    > 3-Jan-06 W32/Netsky.p@MM
    > 3-Jan-06 W32/Netsky.p@MM
    > 3-Jan-06 W32/Netsky.p@MM
    > 3-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 3-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > 3-Jan-06 Worm.Sober.U-3
    > --------------------
    > And what I'd like to accomplish is a sheet that looks like the attached
    > example, which reflects the month of February (as opposed to the above
    > data which is from January.) Basically a listing of how many of
    > whatever virus came in on any particular day.
    > Any suggestions?
    > +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
    > |Filename: excel-virus.gif |
    > |Download: http://www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4480 |
    > +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
    > --
    > AMK4
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > AMK4's Profile:

    > View this thread: http://www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=524078

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