How are you sending your numbers to excel?
If your are using some standard method, then you may just have to fix them
after they get there
Dim rng as Range
set rng =Range(cells(1,1),cells(rows.count,1))
rng.Numberformat = "general"
Range("IV1").Value = 1
rng.pasteSpecial xlValues, xlMultiply
Tom Ogilvy
<> wrote in message
> Hi,
> I am in a similar situation. However, I am sending the numbers from my
> VB application to Excel and instead of being stored as numbers they are
> getting stored as Text. And if we check the excel, it stay the number
> are stored as text and gives the sae rectangle to fix it.
> Any help on how we can store the number as numbers directly to excel
> rather than changing the fields in excel after they have been entered.
> Any idea will be appreciated.
> Thanks & Regards
> Lovely
> Tom Ogilvy wrote:
> > numbers stored as text is a warning, not a data type.
> >
> > if the cells contain numbers and they are stored as text, then in later
> > versions of excel, you can get this indication. The only alternative
is to
> > store them as numbers, but it sounds like you want them stored as text
> > they are.
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Tom Ogilvy
> >