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Application.ScreenUpdating is ineffective

  1. #1
    Ken McLennan

    Application.ScreenUpdating is ineffective

    G'day there Once Again,

    As usual, I've returned to ask advice after a dismal failure with
    a Google search. Actually, my search was successful, but none of the 718
    returned hits actually dealt with my problem.

    I'm using a small one liner in a module to halt & begin screen

    Public Sub scrnOn()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    End Sub

    Public Sub scrnOff()
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    End Sub

    A simple call to the appropriate procedure should, I would have
    thought, toggled screenupdating on & off. However, I found that my
    routine for clearing cellcontents from a 13 x 18 range flickers up &
    down is not what I was trying for. I bunged in a breakpoint on the End
    Sub line, and found that after executing ScreenUpdating = False,
    ScreenUpdating is actually True. The code does nothing. I then tried
    replacing my call to the Sub with a direct statement:

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False

    and the result was the same. The next line of code after this still had
    Application.ScreenUpdating as True!!

    I've not read of any setting which could force either state
    permanently, although just because I've not heard of one doesn't mean
    there isn't. Has anyone else struck this scenario? I can't find anything
    on Google, nor in the archives. There are plenty of entries with both
    "Application.ScreenUpdating" and "Error", but none that apply to this
    situation. Perhaps I'm unique?

    Any ideas will be gratefully looked at.

    I should point out, that the rest of the worksheet and code works fine.
    The cellcontents cleaning out works, but the cells in my range flicker
    badly as the code executes.

    Hope to hear from you soon,
    Ken McLennan
    Qld, Australia.

  2. #2

    Re: Application.ScreenUpdating is ineffective

    Screenupdating is automatically turned back on at the end of a sub


  3. #3
    Chip Pearson

    Re: Application.ScreenUpdating is ineffective

    > Screenupdating is automatically turned back on at the end of a
    > sub

    Very close, but not quite right. ScreenUpdating is automatically
    turned by on when control is returned to Excel. Thus if procedure
    A calls procedure B, which turns off ScreenUpdating,
    ScreenUpdating is False even when B ends. It doesn't turn back on
    until A ends.

    Your statement is correct if you're talking about only a single
    proc, which doesn't call another proc.

    Chip Pearson
    Microsoft MVP - Excel
    Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

    <paul.robinson@it-tallaght.ie> wrote in message
    > Hi
    > Screenupdating is automatically turned back on at the end of a
    > sub
    > so...
    > regards
    > Paul

  4. #4
    Ken McLennan

    Re: Application.ScreenUpdating is ineffective

    G'day there Chip & Paul,

    Thanks very much for your quick responses. I appreciate getting
    any answer, but one which may point me in the right direction is even
    better =)

    > Your statement is correct if you're talking about only a single
    > proc, which doesn't call another proc.

    Well, that answers why my little one liner didn't work (I thought
    it might be something similar to that. However I still get the same
    result when I explicitly enter Application.ScreenUpdating = False in my
    procedure. This was, however on the sheet page (which I forgot to
    mention previously) in the code for 1) a CommandButton, and 2) in the
    Selection_Change code. Should I change this over to an ordinary module?
    I'll probably try that anyway, but I just wonder whether that should
    make any difference.

    See ya, and thanks again,
    Ken McLennan
    Qld, Australia

  5. #5

    Re: Application.ScreenUpdating is ineffective

    didn't realise that. I tend to turn ScreenUpdating off by default in
    every sub unless I explicitely want the screen to update.

  6. #6
    Ken McLennan

    Re: Application.ScreenUpdating is ineffective

    G'day there Again, Chip & Paul,

    > > Your statement is correct if you're talking about only a single
    > > proc, which doesn't call another proc.

    > Well, that answers why my little one liner didn't work (I thought

    Actually, it doesn't. I stuffed that up in my mind when I
    responded. The explanation provided by you, Chip, could easily be
    considered pseudo code for what I have running.

    > result when I explicitly enter Application.ScreenUpdating = False in my
    > procedure.

    That still throws me. I explicitly tell Excel to stop with the
    screenupdates and it ignores me. It may be related to my wife in that
    regard, but I can't figure out why it doesn't work.

    I have this:

    Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
    Dim cell As Range
    ' scrnOff
    Application.ScreenUpdating = False
    For Each cell In Range("Sheet1!letters").Cells
    cell.Interior.Color = vbRed
    If Not cell.Interior.Color = vbBlack Then
    End If
    cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 36
    Application.ScreenUpdating = True
    ' scrnOn
    Application.EnableEvents = True
    Exit Sub

    If I put a breakpoint at the "For Each..." line, when I then test
    Application.ScreenUpdating it indicates "True". I can't understand why
    this is so.

    > This was, however on the sheet page (which I forgot to
    > mention previously) in the code for 1) a CommandButton, and 2) in the
    > Selection_Change code. Should I change this over to an ordinary module?
    > I'll probably try that anyway, but I just wonder whether that should
    > make any difference.

    Still haven't had a chance to do this and probably won't until

    Thanks for listening,
    See ya
    Ken McLennan
    Qld, Australia

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