G'day there Once Again,
As usual, I've returned to ask advice after a dismal failure with
a Google search. Actually, my search was successful, but none of the 718
returned hits actually dealt with my problem.
I'm using a small one liner in a module to halt & begin screen
Public Sub scrnOn()
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
Public Sub scrnOff()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
End Sub
A simple call to the appropriate procedure should, I would have
thought, toggled screenupdating on & off. However, I found that my
routine for clearing cellcontents from a 13 x 18 range flickers up &
down is not what I was trying for. I bunged in a breakpoint on the End
Sub line, and found that after executing ScreenUpdating = False,
ScreenUpdating is actually True. The code does nothing. I then tried
replacing my call to the Sub with a direct statement:
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
and the result was the same. The next line of code after this still had
Application.ScreenUpdating as True!!
I've not read of any setting which could force either state
permanently, although just because I've not heard of one doesn't mean
there isn't. Has anyone else struck this scenario? I can't find anything
on Google, nor in the archives. There are plenty of entries with both
"Application.ScreenUpdating" and "Error", but none that apply to this
situation. Perhaps I'm unique?
Any ideas will be gratefully looked at.
I should point out, that the rest of the worksheet and code works fine.
The cellcontents cleaning out works, but the cells in my range flicker
badly as the code executes.
Hope to hear from you soon,
Ken McLennan
Qld, Australia.