Hello board,

I have been tasked to do something way beyond my experience with Excel
and I'm requesting your help! Here's the scenario:

A workbook called Projects.xls is in use by many folks. This workbook
has three worksheets, but only two are really necessary to explain.
The first of the two is named Projects, which is hidden. The second is
named Projects (1), which is visible. Projects and Projects (1) are
identical. They consist of data entry fields (normal cells) and
objects like drop down fields and check boxes. Users complete this
form as necessary. There is a button on these two sheets (the users
can only see Projects (1)), that creates another blank Projects
worksheet from the hidden copy. Of course, Excel automatically
increments the name accordingly (Projects (2), Projects (3), etc).
Lastly, there is a hidden row 101 that captures all the data in the
form. The cells in row 101 have either formulas that reference a data
entry field (ex. =A5) or hold the actual value for objects.

We made minor changes to this worksheet, which we are calling
Projects2.xls for now, which includes deleting some check boxes and
replacing them with radio buttons. Pretty much the remaining data
fields and objects are all the same (majority of the worksheet is the
same). When we push this new version out, we want to have a macro or
VB code in place that copies the data from the existing worksheets to
the new worksheets. (The user will be expected to run the macro to
initiate the copy.)

In a nutshell, I need to figure out how to:
1. Copy certain cells and objects from a worksheet in Projects.xls to
the same cells in the same named worksheet in Projects2.xls. I have to
create a loop to make the copy continue through additional worksheets
(users could have only 1 Projects worksheet that has data to copy -
Projects (1) - or they could have hundreds - Projects (1) through
Projects (200)+).
2. After the copy is complete, I would like Projects.xls to close, but
Projects2.xls remains open so that the user can verify the copy prior
to saving. The user can then save on his/her own, delete or rename
Projects.xls to another name, then rename Projects2.xls to
Projects.xls. (It needs to be renamed in the end because it links up
with other workbooks and files.)

I appreciate any and all help. If I've provided too much information,
I'm sorry! If I need to provide further info, please let me know. I'm
eager to learn how to do this!

Thank you!